An Ice Cream Trip In Los Santos

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They have just arrived at the tasty ice cream shop that was near the beach, and Trevor roughly stopped his mouldy truck and parked it in a parking space near the bike shop. The beach was covered with large groups people. Some were bike riding; others where sunbathing calmingly next to the clear, aqua ocean water. It was summer, so it was highly populated due to the nice weather.

"This is where we stop at, folks. Wade, open the door for me.", Trevor spat grumpily, pretending to fall asleep for attention.

"Okay, Trevor! You have to promise me that we'll get ice cream, though!", Wade argued, jumping out of the back of the truck frustratedly to open the car door that was on Trevor's side. Aggressively and 'tiredly', Trevor grabbed his hand and stepped a foot onto the concrete floor. Patricia also grabbed her black, luxurious leather handbag and carefully went out of the rusty vehicle.

"Boys, don't fight. I won't buy you ice cream, Wade, if you will argue.", Patricia complained, with her hands on her hips.

As a group, they all walked excitedly and energetically walked to the ice cream stand that was near a building of what seemed like a modern flat.

"Hey, can I order...". Trevor tried to continue but got distracted because Michael and Amanda were walking calmly holding hands. He felt very jealous, and folded his arms, wanting to do something violent to her.

"There's your boyfriend! Go get him!", Wade spoke loudly, attempting to shove Trevor into Michael.

"Wade! Shut the f*ck up! Be quiet!", Trevor yelled, blushing intensely. The ice cream man felt extremely confused, and just shrugged his shoulders and pretended that nothing happened. Meanwhile, Trevor accidently bumped into Michael.

"T! Where in the name of Jesus did you COME from?!", Michael gasped, backing away. Amanda was clearly shook, just standing silently with her jaw wide open. Michael was blushing a little, too.

"It's that dumbass's fault!", Trevor grumbled, pointing at Wade.

"Wha?", Wade asked with ice cream stuffed in his moist mouth. His face was covered with ice cream and he didn't know what was going on. Trevor covered his face that was as red as a cherry, and ran away from Michael, flustered. Butterflies were in his stomach and his heart was racing. He felt like he was about to explode just like a bomb.

"Michael, you're an arrogant turd.", Amanda shrieked, kicking him strongly in the nuts and while holding her silver necklace.

"Ow! You piece of sh*t!", Michael argued pointing at Amanda while sulking in pain. She kept punching and kicking Michael until he was all bruised up. Trevor had noticed what was going on and his urge to attack Amanda was high.

"Trevor, don't...", Patricia said, worried. As soon as she said that, Trevor clenched his fists and ran faster than the speed of light to Amanda.

"YOU F*CKING C*NT!!!", Trevor screamed, pushing Amanda with full power onto the moldy, concrete pathway. He snatched someone's glass of w*ne and threw it violently straight into her face just like he had done in that one mission. Trevor was furious: anger boiling; fists clenched roughly; muscles tightened. He crouched down quickly and grasped Amanda's neck so she could not breathe.

"Wow, T. That was... amazing.", Michael gushed, frozen on the spot and delighted that he could do something like that only to protect him. Trevor stopped clenching his fists, and turned around, shocked because he had forgot that people existed. Everyone was shook; some were covering their children's eyes; others dropped their things out of their hands. The situation was unbelievable.

"Oh really, sugar t*ts?", Trevor said, trying to impress Michael by acting tough.

"Oh, don't call me that, otherwise I'll call you acid c*ck.", Michael joked, smiling at Trevor.

"Trevor, tell him!", Wade yelled, licking his fingers that were covered with chocolate ice cream.

"Tell me what?", Michael questioned. Trevor stood silent and was panicking inside. He just ran away after a few seconds. "Hey, hey, T!". He started to run after Trevor as fast as he could.

"Aw, love birds.", Patricia said, satisfied.

"Surely!", Wade replied, giving her a thumbs up. On the other hand, Michael had to chase Trevor for what felt like 35 minutes of running manically.

They ended up loosing breath at the ancient, graffiti covered skate park. Spray cans were thrown on the floor and skate boards were scattered everywhere. Michael and Trevor were sweating insanely.

"It's nothing, Mikey!", Trevor yelled while his legs were trembling.

"There's definitely something.", Michael answered, folding his arms, interested.

"Look, I can't tell you right now. Go with Amanda! Hehe...". He tried to remain confident but ended up being a nervous wreck instead.

"If you don't want to tell me, that's fine.", Michael said, turning away.

"Wait I... do.", he interrupted.

"...Huh?". Michael turned his front to Trevor, and started gushing.

"I've always... Never mind.". He tried to change his mind to Michael grabbed his arm so he didn't run away.

"Just tell me, T.".

"I can't, you dumbass! Not yet!. Trevor began to run for his life again, and Michael just gave up and walked to Amanda... Or did he?
F*ck me, f*ck me, f*ck! I'm such an idiot! That is what Trevor thought to himself.

He sat down miserably near the rusty looking parking lot, and sulked because he wanted to tell Michael his feelings. Unfortunately, it didn't go as planned. He thought it was too early to tell him the truth, even though it has been around 10 years since they have been in North Yankton. He grabbed a half-empty, green, clear glass bottle of wine and started to take slow sips on it to calm down his stress between him and Michael. Nearly falling asleep on the ground, he could feel a gentle tap on his shoulder.

"Hey, acid c*ck. Sorry if I'm bothering you.", Michael said with his hands behind his back and looking at the ground so he didn't look directly at Trevor. He stopped drinking and threw the glass bottle out of the way. It was left broken into a million of pieces on the sidewalk.

"Why did you follow me?!", Trevor screamed, out of control and stressed. Michael showed Trevor what was behind his back, and it looked like a gorgeous, fresh bouquet of roses. The red petals looked stunningly bright and the leaves were prickly. On the other hand, there was an adorable little teddy that looked brand new and had a little ribbon on its neck.

"Since the funfair is close, I was thinking if we could have a date?", Michael asked while his face was strongly red and sweaty. Was this Trevor's chance?

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