Alternate Ending

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Waking up in a hospital bed didn't particularly sit well with me. In fact, even halfway unconscious, I knew exactly where my body lay, could feel the needle in my arms and could smell the distinct scent of hospital and I didn't appreciate it.

At all.

For a moment, I just let the beeping and the noises in the hall surround me as I recalled the last few moments before I blacked out. I kind of wish I would have completely forgotten those moments.

I groaned out loud as I remember my crowning moment of glory, becoming the stupidest girl on planet Earth. I tripped and knocked myself out.

Nothing cool or worthy of an Oscar nomination.

Truly classy, right? I'm a real Jane Bond.

With a sigh and a bit of effort, I opened my eyes. They quickly closed once again after the beaming white lights blinded me. You would think after years of medical shows and complaints, they could tone down the lights in the recovery rooms.

Counting to three, I opened my eyes and squinted against the light, forcing myself to get used to the glare. After several minutes, I could finally keep my eyes open without feeling a tingly burn in them

Peeking around the room, I took in my surroundings. It was just an ordinary hospital room. Nothing very spectacular. Unless you count the several bouquets of flowers nothing spectacular. One eyebrow slowly raised up and I frowned. Did I actually know that many people?

I didn't think I did, but numbers don't lie, I suppose.

Looking around the room again, I felt slightly panicked when I realized no one else sat in the room with me. I scooted farther back into my bed, crossing my arms as best as I could with all the tubes and what-not. The last time I was alone, things didn't go so well. Sue me for wanting some companionship.

The events of the other night were fresh in my mind, coming at me in flashes and making me shudder. I wanted those memories as far away from me as I could possibly get them. The only problem? I blanked out and I couldn't quite remember what happened after that. I had the distinct feeling that it had something to do with my falling.

Looking to my left, I found one of those rolling trays right next to the bed, a clear mug of water sitting on top of it. With great effort, I managed to reach out and grab it, trying not to spill it on myself as I tipped it to get a better grip on the straw.

I drank the entire thing in record time, not bothering to take it easy. I just needed some sort of relief from my parched throat.

Sighing, I set down the mug and focused on other things. Like, for instance, the fact that my head and my tail-bone hurt to no end.

Cocking my head to the side, I noticed an envelope tucked under the standard box of Kleenex that hospitals felt obligated to provide. I grabbed it eagerly, lifting the flap and nearly squealing with joy when I found the sender, my pain temporarily forgotten.

Gab -

I'm not gonna lie to you - I can feel claustrophobia threatening to sink it as I write this from being in this hospital for so long. I've been here for two days. Two days, a full forty-eight hours that you haven't even fluttered an eyelash.

I saw some of the photos from the scene that the police found you in and it was just ... horrific, in my opinion.

I had never seen you so lifeless before and it seriously scared me - I thought you were dead until everyone told me that you were okay and that you had only received a mild skull fracture. Well ... I didn't mean to say that in such a non-chalant manner. I was just overwhelmed. I didn't know what to think. But I'm thankful you're okay,

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