Chapter Eleven - No More Ninja

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That would be the number of days I managed to avoid Shane. I'd come to the realization that hiding just came naturally to me. Part of my mousy nature, I suppose. Well, my sort of mousy nature. To be honest, I didn't exactly have a firm grip on how to proceed. Shelby and I had a long talk about the problem and we both came to the same agreement. We had no idea what was going on. I felt like I took the chickens way out; fear of Shane being Oliver kept me from speaking to him and sorting this mess out.

It became a chore, looking up and down the halls for him everyday in school and practically nose diving behind the counters at work every time the bell chimed in fear of Shane walking through the door.

Truth be told, the whole ninja slash mission impossible act was getting on my nerves.

Long story short, I decided enough was enough. Talking to Shane couldn't be avoided anymore and that we really needed to have a talk about what he told me. If he really was Oliver, then we had things we absolutely needed to sort out before moving forward with ... whatever this was.

So I took matters into my own hands. A more aggressive approach, if you will. School had ended and before you could say Gilmore Girls, my feet had taken me out the door and flying down the hall. Shane wasn't in that day, so I figured I could shimmy my way into a address by a little exaggerating. Yeah - the only bad thing about hanging around Shelby was the small detail of her personality rubbing off on me in all the worst ways.

Pulling down the sleeves of my cardigan before lightly knocking on the door leading into Mrs. Reid's office. Pushing the door open, I smiled brightly at her. "Hi, Mrs. Reid."

"Hello, Gabrielle. What can I do for you?" she asked, hitting several more keys on her computer keyboard before she looked over the short counter at me.

I nervously fiddled with my fingers, hoping this worked the way I hoped. "Well, you see, Shane Wilder wasn't in school today and I wanted to take his assignments to him," I sighed, maybe a bit too dramatically as I continued, "But I don't have his address. So I was hoping you'd be able to help me out?" I asked her hopefully, smiling.

She was hesitant, I had to give her that much. But the one point working against her? She viewed me in a very flattering light. I helped around the office sometimes and showed new people around. There were a couple times where I did actually take students their homework.

But I'm also pretty sure she knew that Shane didn't share any classes with me. Finally, after a long and overly drawn out pause, Mrs. Reid nodded, picking up a sticky note and scribbling the wanted address down there.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate it."

With the parting words, I meandered down the hall, not really in the mood to start running just to reach my locker in record time. Mentally, I ran down the list of things I needed to grab out of my metal container for homework or for assigned reading.

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