Just Another Normal Day...Mostly

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"(Y/N)!  What's the answer to question 5?" the teacher asks.  Your attention snaps up from the doodles you were making on the edges of your paper, quickly reading the question before replying. 

"Um, red shift," you say, just barely loud enough to be heard.  The teacher rereads the question and nods before speaking about how if an object such as a star is moving away, it's going to be red shifted.  

"Surprised you got that right, (L/N).  You never pay attention," Chris says from across the room, getting his friends to laugh with him.  You just roll your eyes.  You pay attention, it's just easier to do it with an earbud in or while drawing. Chris gasps. 

"Mrs. Larray!  (Y/N) rolled its eyes at me!" he shouts.  You huff out a breath, annoyed.  Real mature for a ninth grader, huh.  

"Oh, go choke on a dick, Chris!  Leave them alone!" Ethan hisses.  You try to hide a laugh as your lips quirk up in a small smile as your friend tries to defend you.  That's always been one of his favorite lines. 

"Boys, behave.  Now, back to the lesson...." 

You tune out the lesson and start doodling again.  A piece of paper lands on your desk, and you grab it slowly before unfolding it. 

Want to go check out the abandoned house after school? 

You look up to Ethan, who's waiting patiently for a reply.  You smile and nod, and he makes a little fistpump motion, grinning.  


"Um.  I'm not so sure we should do this, actually," Ethan mutters.  The two of you stare at the deer bones scattered around the small clearing.  You walk closer to the half of a deer pelvis hanging from a low tree branch.  Slowly you crouch down and wrap your finger around a stick before standing and poking at the bone hanging from the branch.  It doesn't look stained but it's definitely not fake.  

"It looks bleached.  Bones don't become this white without being bleached or painted.  Someone's just trying to scare us.  Come on, you're not going to chicken out, are you?" you ask as the bone swings lightly.  Ethan seems hesitant but after a second nods. 

"Well, if we're doing it, we should start heading in.  When do you have to be home?" he asks, waiting for you to start walking toward the abandoned house before walking with you.  

"Eh, probably around five thirty.  My mom thinks I'm at the library, and I usually walk home, so if I leave around five I can probably get home early enough to not be yelled at.  She didn't seem in that bad a mood this morning, but..." you trail off. 

"But you don't know how she'll react to you coming home today.  Okay.  Come on then, let's see if we can find anything new!" Ethan grins and starts rushing forward through the brush.  

"Wha- Ethan, hey!  Wait up, you might trip!" you exclaim as you rush after him, ignoring your own words.  You catch up to your friend, and you make the first steps to enter the abandoned house.  The door creaks open on rusted hinges, the sound making you shudder and tic momentarily.  The noise of creaking doors doesn't have a good texture unless it's a very specific type of creaking.  

You walk inside slowly, remembering the weak spots in the floor and avoiding them.  Ethan follows behind you, not wanting a repeat of the first time the two of you had dared venture into the structure.  His foot had gone through the floor, resulting in a delightful multitude of splinters.  Not fun. 

"Hey, it smells different.  Less...musty, I guess," you mutter.  The air inside the house doesn't seem to smell as bad anymore. 

"Maybe a window broke and aired it out?" Ethan offers.  You shake your head as the two of you start going up the stairs. 

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