Chase and Hunt

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You stagger into your room, stumbling over the things that litter your floor.  Your head is spinning and you're barely oriented but you grab your backpack and shove whatever you can into it with your schoolwork, zipping it shut and rushing for your bat.  This is it.  You need out.  Now.  You've spent the last four hours getting screamed at and beaten for coming home late, despite having gotten permission to be at the "library" until 5:30 PM. 

Your hand curls around your metal baseball bat and you start running for the door.  You nearly slip on the sheets of paper and plastic on the floor, ignoring the threats of how your mother will beat you so hard you've never been born, so hard you'd wish that you never came home. 

"(Y/N) YOU USELESS BITCH I'LL BEAT YOUR ASS SO HARD THAT YOU'LL REGRET GIVING ME THAT ATTITUDE AND LYING, YOU LITTLE CUNT!" your mother screams through the house.  As you reach the door and tear it open, you scream back. 


You slam the door shut, nearly tumbling down the brick stairs in your haste to get out of there.  You take off down the street, lungs and legs burning as you sprint.  You distantly hear yelling, but ignore it.  You don't let it distract you.  When you see a car heading your way, you take a sharp left and dash into the woods, leaping over sticks and logs and zig-zagging wildly as you run deeper and deeper into them.  Eventually, you feel like you're about to be sick, so you slow to a stop before collapsing, the weight of what happened hitting you as the world catches up. 

You've basically just been kicked out of your house, and if you ever go back, you're surely get beaten to death before you can get two words out.  You're effectively homeless now.  Nowhere to go.  You've finally run away. 

You're finally free. 

You let out a laugh, elated, though slightly crazy sounding.  You were free!  You didn't have to go home anymore, you didn't have to go back to that hellhole!  You didn't-

You stop laughing, shooting straight up when you hear a nearby stick snap.  Adrenaline skyrockets again as you look around the woods, finally taking in just how dark and eerie they are now.  You try to look around slowly without making it obvious that you're trying to figure out what snapped the stick.  Your grasp on your bat tightens as you hear leaves shuffling to your right.  You move your eyes to that direction, trying to see who's there without alerting them to you knowing they're in that direction. 

"I can hear you.  Who's there?" you ask, voice stronger than you'd expected it to be.  The shuffling pauses.  You seem to silently be evaluating each other.  Then rapid footsteps come rushing toward you from behind. 

You whip around, grabbing your bat with both hands as you swing it, solidly catching whoever the fuck was running to you in the ribs.  There's a dull thud as well as an unnerving crunch as it makes contact, and a shout of pain followed by curses.  You turn to look at whoever's now to your left, and freeze. 

It's the man with the white mask. 

You don't get much further than that thought before someone else is running at you, this time from your right.  You turn toward this one, and have an oh shit moment as you realize he has axes in his hands.  Shit.  

You manage to catch one with your bat and fling it somewhere into the darkness as you evade the rest of his attempts to hit you.  A rush of rage hits you, and you realize - this is the time to let out your 16 years of pent up rage and anger.  You laugh and grin as you start fighting back against your armed attacker, bat meeting ax over and over, slowly driving him back. 

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