The Sickness

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[⚠️Trigger Warning for this chapter includes emeto/vomit, child abuse, eating disorder, and choking⚠️]

You follow the three through the woods, which seem to have changed.  They seem darker now, even without the light of twilight.  It's more disorienting, fog shrouding paths from sight.  Your grip clenches and relaxes on your bat as you continue following the three.  Once or twice the group has to stop as you nearly cough up a lung, sending blood spraying onto your hoodie, though you try to hide it from the others.  

"So.  What are your names?" you ask when the silence starts to get uncomfortable.  The one in the white mask answers. 

"None of your business, yet." 

"You're no fun," you sigh, looking at the one with the goggles. "What about you?  Do you have a name?" 

He hesitates before answering.  "...Toby." 

"Cool name!  I've never met anyone named Toby before. Your hair is also pretty cool, it looks pretty fluffy!" you exclaim.  He seems surprised.  

"Thanks.  What's your, yours?" 


He hums in response, and his head jerks to the side while he smacks his wrists together.  You tilt your head.  Is he like you and Ash?  You don't ask, not wanting to be rude, but store that information away for later.  

"So, where-" you're cut off as your lungs seize, gasping and choking for air as you lean over a little bit.  More blood than you can hide spills out of your mouth as you cough violently.  Toby makes a semi-alarmed noise while the other two just watch.  Black spots dance in your vision as it becomes harder to stay standing while you gasp for air. 

"What are we supposed to do?  It looks like she's dying!" Toby exclaims, and you frown.  You're not a girl.  Sure, you have feminine features, but you're definitely not a girl.  

Once you eventually get your coughing under control, your gray hoodie stained with your blood.  After a moment of steadying your breathing, you look at Toby.

"'m not a girl," you say, and he seems confused for a moment before apologizing.  This makes the one in the white mask laugh.  You give him a curious look. 

"You're dying and yet you feel the need to tell us you're not a girl," he explains the reason why he laughed.  You huff. 

"Just because I look feminine doesn't mean I'm a girl.  Where are you taking me?" you ask, tilting your head.  The one with a frowning mask speaks instead. 

"To our boss.  Like we said, you're a person of interest.  We don't know why, but you are." 

You hum and say nothing else, and the group starts walking again.  You had no clue who these three men are.  You're sick and keep coughing up blood, and your concussion from the week before hasn't helped your migraines one bit.  You'd already said you didn't want to see their boss, but it seems you're going with them anyways.  

Maybe they'll kill you.  That would be interesting.  You've been searching for a way out for years, but now that life has gotten interesting, you're not sure you want that anymore.  Or maybe they'll let you stay with them.  Nowhere else to go, so that option wouldn't be too bad, either.  

As you're thinking, the stress builds up again and you can't suppress it fully this time.  Your head jerks to the side as your wrists smack together, a quiet "dng" sound leaving your lips.  You huffed out an annoyed sigh, biting your cheek in annoyance.  The three you're travelling with stop and look at you.

"What was that?" The one in the white mask questions, and you get the feeling his eyes are narrowed.  You shrug.

"Either it was a stress tic or a functional tic.  Probably more likely it's a stress tic, considering the situation," you mutter, avoiding eye contact.  Toby looks at you more carefully.

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