Chapter 8

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Katherine looked at the bracelet and the symbol on it. She shrugged and went back to the room with her friends. The next day she skipped classes due to a headache.

The others asked her to go the hospital wing and told her to be careful and went to classes. She went to the hospital wing and took a headache medicine.

When she came back she decided to go to the spot. She sat there reading when she heard a sound and looked up.

She saw a few men and women dressed in weird ancient clothes. They kept their hands stretched out and chanted something in latin.

Though she knew it was latin she didn't understand anything. She saw a star forming on the ground around her and pulled her into the center. She tried screaming but could only give out one shout before she fainted .

The shout Ares sounded throught the clearing. Before those people could take her away Ares ran there and saw Kat unconscious in the middle of the star formation.

Seeing him those people snarled and ran away leaving Kat. After sometime Kat woke up and she found that she was still in the star formation and at the edge Ares and a girl were standing.

The girl was chanting something while the star formation was diminishing. In between Nicki, Mia and Rose also came and saw what was happening. They were confused but kept silent.

After the formation diminished Ares came and hugged her. Kat was startled but hugged him back. He said "Thank God you are OK. Didn't I tell you not to be alone?"

Kat looked at him and said "I had a bit of a headache and came out for fresh air. I didn't know something like this would happen. " Rose asked him "By the way what was that? It looked like Magic . Is it real?"

Ares sighed and led them to the forbidden corridor. From there they went into a hallway and into a room. The room looked magical.

He asked the girl to call everyone from their group. The four girls looked at the room wondrously and sat down. A few people came and sat down.

After everyone came Ares turned towards them and said "What you saw was Magic and yes it is real. Alia here is a witch. Those people were from the Dark council and they wanted to harm you Kat."

Katherine looked at them and asked "Why me?" Alia looked at her in the eye and said "Because you are the lost princess."

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