Chapter 11

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Mia saw her first and furrowed her eyebrows and asked "Kat did something happen like those incidents?" Kat nodded and told them what she saw.

Rose hugged her when Kat said "Those people are unconscious because of me isn't it? The council members are after me but innocent people are getting implicated."

She held her head and cried. The three girls just hugged her and comforted her. Nicki said "Nonsense it's not because of you. You heard what Ares saidIt's those Dark council members. "

After that they went into an uneasy sleep. Kat felt uncomfortable like something is restricting her. She tried opening her eyes but couldn't.

After a brief period of struggle she finally opened her eyes but didn't see her room. Instead she was in a graveyard tied up to a angel statue. She glanced up and saw a blood red moon.

At that moment Kat felt a sickening feeling in her stomach. She struggled to get free when she heard a voice. It said "Tsk Tsk Katherine stop struggling. The more you struggle the more tighter it gets."

She turned her head and saw a woman with inkblack hair with a skin as pale as snow . Her eyes were red. She wore a hood and looked terrifying. She was a vampire corrupted . Blood pounded in Katherine's ears and she opened her mouth in silent horror.

"Ooh you look so much like your mother Lilia . I knew her you know.  She was supposed to be my best kill but alas she is frozen. Anyway after you die I can use your powers to unlock the barrier and kill them all" she laughed . Her laugh sent chills down Kat's spine.

Another man came up behind her and said "Enough Nora. The blood moon started. We should start preparing for the sacrifice." Nora looked at Kat ,sneered and went to the middle where a cauldron was kept.

Katherine felt panic rise up in her chest. She couldn't do anything but then she remembered her bracelet and pressed the D symbol which alerted Ares. Meanwhile the two people added something in the cauldron and came near Kat.

"Itty Bitty Baby Katty now give me your blood " taunted Nora. Kat was on high alert. She knew if she gave her blood the members of the Dark Council will grow powerful. Although she didn't know anything about the ritual she knew red moon was a bad sign.

As she was thinking what to do she felt something stir within her. Heat started spreading through her body and the intensity increased. Just as she thought it would cool down it hit full force at her heart. Kat screamed and a blinding white light shot out of her.

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