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"Hey... Nat... Let me go! I won't... No... Hey!" Tony yelled when Natasha dragged him from the workshop and to a small room. She pushed Tony inside and locked the door behind him.
He banged the door a few times while yelling at Jarvis to let him out.
Said man swallowed thickly. Steve. She locked him up in his art studio. Tony reluctantly turned around and faced the other man. "Hey Steve-O. How are you?" He asked while trying to appear casual.
"I'm... I'm fine..." He cleared his throat. "What are you doing here? I thought you had that new project...?"
"Oh... Yeah... Natasha dragged me here? I don't know what she wants. So I'll just pick the lock and be out of your-"
"No you won't." Natasha, Clint, and Bruce appeared on a screen. They all looked seriously annoyed and worried.
"You two are going to talk." Clint said.

"And we won't let you out until you have both figured this out." Bruce added.

"Oh come on. Not you Brucy bear! Just let me out." Tony almost pleaded. He really couldn't be do close to Steve right now. His heart just couldn't handle it yet. He needed some more time to make it tougher, to put some more iron on it.
"Here's the thing. Steve, Tony thinks you don't want him because he isn't good enough for you and you're only using him as stress relief." Natasha stated calmly while the blood drained from the two men their faces.
"Tony, Steve thinks you don't want him because you only have casual sex and will never want a steady relationship."
"Long story short, you are both miserable while you obviously love each other and we've had enough." Clint snapped.
"Just... Fix it alright? Just talk." Bruce said softly before breaking the connection.
Tony collapsed on a chair and looked down. "You... You think I only want casual sex?" He asked after a very long silence.
Steve swallowed thickly. "I thought... These days... It's normal to..." He sighed. "Yes I did." He concluded softly. "You think I only... I only want you for... Stress relief?" He asked pained and barely audible.
Tony shrugged and looked up to match Steve his gaze. "Yeah... Yes I do."

Steve swallowed thickly. Tony used present tense. "But... Why?" He asked confused.
It stayed silent for a long time before a barely audible answer was whispered.

"Because what else would someone as perfect as you want with someone as old and worn as me? Sex is all I can offer you. And even then..." He huffed. "I never got it. You can have anyone you want. I knew it would only be time until you would figure that out and move on. So... I... It's fine. Really. I took what I could get as selfish as I was and just... Rolled with it."
Steve choked back a sob before pulling Tony in a hug and holding him silently while making sure he didn't crush him. Tony froze for a few seconds before letting his shields down and hugging back. He let a few tears fall but neither men commented on it.
"I want more than casual Steve." He whispered.
"And so do I." Steve agreed before blushing a little. "Anthony Edward Stark, will you go on a date with me?" He asked with a small grin.
Tony choked on a laugh and kissed Steve briefly on his lips. "I would love that Stephen Grant Rogers." He whispered.
They held each other while Clint, Bruce, and Natasha drunk on their victory.

"Hang on..." Tony asked. "But... The punching bag... It had... My face on it." He mumbled.
Steve blushed furiously. "Yeah... I ehm... Cuddled with it." He mumbles softly while the blush spreads to his ears.
Tony blinks a few times before laughing and burying his face in the other man's neck. "Oh god I love you Capcicle." He said without thinking.
"I love you too Tony." The captain said fondly and pulled Tony in a kiss.

"So..." Bruce said in the other room, looking at Natasha and Clint over his glasses. "When are you two going out?"

He does not know how much I love himWhere stories live. Discover now