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One week later...

"This is enough. Nat, we have to do something about this. Tony has been hiding away in his workshop, and Steve has been running three marathons each day. This isn't normal anymore." Clint exclaimed during breakfast one day. The other assassin nodded in agreement. "Yes. Their pining has gone on for long enough. It's obvious they love each other. And I don't get why they aren't just dating. Neither is the type to sleep around casually."
"Bruce? What do you think?"
The scientist sighed and took his glasses off. "I know I said we shouldn't interfere in the beginning... But now... I think someone needs to talk to them to see why they aren't dating. So, how about Clint goes to talk to Tony. And Natasha goes to talk to Steve. Then we meet up and see what's going on later today." They both nodded and set off to put their plan into working.
Clint easily found Tony yelling at his bots in the workshop as he dropped from the vents. "No, the left one. Seriously Dum-E. I am going to change you into a toaster." He yelled. "Completely useless." He mumbled. And Clint wondered who it truly was he was talking about.
"Hey Stark." Hawkeye suddenly said and the other man turned around with a curse.
"Fucking hell Barton. You can't sneak up on people like that. And especially me. My tower, my rules. No sneaking up on people." He rambled.
"We need to talk." Clint blurted out. Subtle wasn't his thing.
"No we don't. I didn't figure you the talking type. Do you want to braid each other's hair and eat cookie dough as well?" He sneered.
Standard defense mechanism to push people away, stop them from penetrating his shields. Clint realised. "Yeah of course. And paint each other's toe nails." He answered easily as he fell down on the couch. "Now let it out iron can. What has gotten your panties in a twist and why aren't you on a date with your boyfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend." He quickly pointed out. "Never was, never going to be." He said just a little too bitter.
"So... You two were just hanging out every day and fucking each other's brain out while not dating? Sure." Clint fired back.
"Never heard of friends with benefits Barton!" He snapped.
"With you? Maybe. But with him? I don't think so." He easily answered.
"How... Well... You're wrong! He doesn't want anything more. He just wants another way to relieve some after battle adrenaline. Some stress relief. And that's fine. That's what I'm here for, aren't I?" He yelled. "All I'm good for." He muttered so soft another wouldn't have heard it. But Clint had special hearing aids. And could easily capture the words.
"If you say so." The agent said calmly before getting up and walking to the door. "Tones? What really happened?" He asked softly.
It stayed silent so long he thought he wouldn't get an answer anymore but then... "I found a broken punching bag. With my face on it." Tony whispered before going back to his bots.
Clint slipped out with a rather pale face. Surely the captain hadn't...? He shook his head. No. He would wait for Natasha before he would form his judgement.
Natasha found Steve just as he came back from his first round of running, on his way to his room to shower.
"Rogers, sit down. We have to talk." She snapped.
He paled at the look on the female agent her face and immediately sat down. "What's wrong?" He asked worried and confused.
"You tell me Steve. You haven't been at a single breakfast all week."
"So? People eat breakfast out all the time."
"Yes. But not you. You make your own pancakes because it makes you feel like home." She said calmly.
He sighed defeated and glared. "I'm fine Natasha."
"I never said you weren't. You did just now. So cut the bullshit and tell me why you've been whining in your room for the past week." She snapped.

He buried his face in his hands and brushed a hand through his hair. "I messed up." He mumbled. At the unimpressed raised eyebrow he got he continued. "You must know about the... thing... between Tony and me?" He asked.
"I do. You have mentally scarred a few junior agents with your tendency to have sex in conference rooms." She said calmly.
He blushed bright red.
"It's not..." He sighed. "Never mind. I just screwed up. Tony is the type to have a casual relationship and I don't want to push him away. It's not like he cares anyway. And I just had to be some pathetic whiner and chased him off." He mumbled.
Natasha frowned before abruptly turning around and walking off. She had the feeling she knew exactly what was wrong.
"So... It seems you both found something." Bruce said from where he looked up from his tablet when both assassins bursted in.
He held his hand up. "Not at the same time. Nat, ladies first."
"Steve believes Tony wants nothing but casual sex and feels horrible because of it. I highly believe he wants more. And he probably loves Stark."
Clint cursed softly and Bruce nodded. "Alright, well done, Clint? What did Tony tell you?"
The archer sighed. "He told me he thinks he is just Steve his stress relief. Noting his body language I would say he doesn't like it and wants more. Everyone knows how clingy he was around Pepper." He told them.
Bruce sighed. "I found something as well." He mumbled. "The thing that explains why they both cracked."
Before they could ask what he already typed something on his tablet and a video feed opened on the nearest screen. On it you could see Steve hugging a sand bag with... "Is that a picture of Tony?" Clint asked.
"Yes... But wait. It gets worse."
The bag cracks and Steve looks heartbroken. He hears someone coming and speeds off.
As he disappears Tony walks in. "Oh god..." Natasha whispers as they watch Tony fall to his knees by the cracked bag with his face on it.
The video stopped and Bruce grimaced. "I asked Jarvis if he knew what happened... And... Well..."
"Tony thinks Steve hates him..."
"...and Steve thinks Tony doesn't want him."
"We have to fix this." Natasha stated.
"But how...?"

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