Know Your Place

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It's been three days since LeSane last spoke to Dana. He needed to talk to her, but he didn't know how to put the words he wanted to say. He'd been over scenarios of how the conversation might go or where it would lead but every outcome came out for the worst. He knew how Dana could be. The girl had anger issues and he couldn't live knowing that she'd be mad at him. But he needed to tell her. He needed her to know the truth.

LeSane sat at his office desk at the police station. He wasn't doing anything big yet but they finally got him a working space.

"You ok rook?"

LeSane snapped out of his thoughts and found his soon to be partner, Officer Wallace, "Wassup James. I'm straight. "

" Alright. You ready for next week? You start getting back in gear. I need to know if you straight to be holding a gun again ya know?" James was really cool. He looked out for LeSane. He told him a few times that he respected him for serving the country. He was also in the army back in 1979 when he was 18 years old. His last year was in 1984, when his son was born, and he decided to become a police officer the following year. His son, who was also in the police force, was named James Wallace Jr. Unfortunately he lost his son back in 2012. He'd always talk about his son to LeSane but never about how he died. He'd just say he died serving his country so LeSane just assumed he died in the line of duty.

" Don't worry. I took all my classes and passed the tests. They say I will be fine. I promise I won't get trigger happy."

" Good. You know LeSane, my son was a little bit like you. Young and ready to face any obstacle the world threw at them. He was ready for anything and didn't stay down for long. Ya know, he played his senior night football game with two bad knees?"

LeSane laughed at James' over exaggerated stories about his son. Everybody in the station knew about his crazy stories. His wife had said it was his way of grieving so no one tried to correct him. The man loved his son. "Did they win?"

" Hell nah. The boy broke his foot!"

" Gotdamn. That's a shame." LeSane shook his head as he laughed.

" There's the smile I was lookin for. Let me know if anything is bothering you son. Alright? "

"No doubt. Actually I could use some advice."


"A lady friend"

James smirked at LeSane, "Aren't you a little too grown to be nervous over a girl?"

"It's not even that. She's just a friend. But what if you know something about the guy she's dating?"

"Umm... You tell her?"

"I mean, what if you know it will break her heart? What if I do tell her and she doesn't believe me? What if she cuts me off?"

"She's a female. And if she's a big girl then she'll just have to learn for herself. And if she's really your friend then she shouldn't have any reason to not believe you."

"I guess you're right."

"Tell her. Whatever it is. Be a good friend before anything. She'll find out for herself sooner or later." James patted LeSane on his back and walked away.

"Are you ready yet?" Dana asked Bishop. He was worse than her getting ready.

"I had to get a different shirt. The shoes I got over here didn't match with what I had on."

" Wow, we're going to the movies. No one is going to pay attention to you."

" You don't know that, woman. I'm sexy, people gon look."

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