Who to Talk to

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~Avery ~

Shit was getting awkward for Avery. It was almost like he was the middle man for everyone else. He had noticed the tension between LeSane and Dee although neither brought it up or spoke about each other at all. They were the last two people he'd thought would fall out. The two were inseparable until Bishop came along. Something didn't fit right with dude. He seemed uneasy at times, like he wasn't all there. Dee would of course say he'd just got high or some crazy shit like that but Avery knew. Ain't no weed knocking dude mind off the way he look sometimes. But he wouldn't argue, just kept his eyes open.

He found himself hanging around the gym a lot or with Daige. He rarely did anything else. From time to time he'd hang out with his OG just to roll up and catch up on things. He was on his way to Pete house. He felt like he should ask him a few questions, to make sure Bishop wasn't a familiar face. When he pulled up in front of the house, a group of guys in all black and shades were posted on the porch. They seemed unbothered by the black infinity that had just parked in front of their spot. Avery had been by probably two times since his car has been out of the shop, but niggas seemed forgetful from time to time.

One cat walked up to the car mistaken him for a customer. Avery rolled down his window. "Wassup Jay, man?"

"Awe damn kid, wassup?"

"Ayo, Pete in there?" Pete never parked his truck in sight. He always had his car in the garage so nobody knew when he was there or not.

"Yea, folk in there. I'll show you to em."

Avery locked up his car before following Jay into the spot to where Pete was. Pete was in a back room playin dominos when Avery walked to him. "Wassup OG."

"Wassup youngin. How's it?"

"It's goin. You got some time?"

Pete looked up at Avery then slapped down a domino. "Where tf is my money niggas!" The other guys he was playin with started to groan and even claimed Pete always cheated. "How old are you man? What I gotta cheat for? Man, give me my money!" Pete laughed and grabbed the cash out of the men hands. "Come on youngin, let's go out on the back porch. I gotta light me one anyway." Avery followed.

"What's the issue? You look worried."

"Naw man, a lil. It's this cat Dee talking to. I don't really fuck with em."

"I feel you. But if ya sis like the kid and he treatin her right you can't just want them to break off. She a grown ass woman, she can fuck who she want."

"That's not the point. There's something about dude that seem off as fuck."

"What you mean?"

"I know he smoke weed and I've seen this nigga high from weed. But sometimes when Dee says he's high, he seem like he be gone off some dumb shit."

"You think he cokin?"

"I don't know man. He doin somethin but I know it ain't weed."

"Who is he?"

"His name is bishop? Have you seen him around?"

"I can't say I have. But check this out, if I hear anything of him or if one of my youngins do, I'll let you know. You and Dee are like blood. If dude ain't right then I'll end it. You know me."

"Yea man. Thanks. I just needed some information on dude. I would stay and roll up but I promise to chill with Daige tonight."

"Y'all gettin serious?"

"We just friends. It would be nice though and it ain't like I ain't thought about, ya know."

"I feels."

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