Chapter one (im not naming these)

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Beep beep beep!!!
That would be my annoying alarm waking me from my wonderful slumber.

I get out of bed and go into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put on my school uniform (picture above). I hate that I have to wear a uniform now but I guess I'll just have to deal with it. I decide to straighten my hair after I'm done brushing the tangles out of it.

Once I'm done getting ready I head downstairs and into the kitchen to get breakfast.
"Morning sweetheart." My mother greets, setting a plate of pancakes and fruit in front of me. Me and my mom talk while I eat.

"Morning mom. Work today?"
"No, I start my new job tomorrow."
"Okie doke. Well I should get going, don't wanna be late on the first day."
"Alright sweetie, goodbye, love you!"
"Love you too mom."

I reply standing up from the table and walking towards the door. "Thanks for breakfast." I say before I walk out the door.

I decided to walk because the school is only 5 minutes away on foot. Normally I would ride my skateboard to school but I'm not sure if I can do that with this new school I'm going to. This school is a private school by the way, which is why I have to wear a uniform.

As I'm walking I couldn't help but notice a boy walk out of his house, he's also wearing a green and black uniform. I wonder if he goes to my school. I decide to ignore it and keep walking... that is until he walked right up next to me.

"New girl, huh?"
"Excuse me?"
"You're wearing the uniform that everyone at my school has to wear, I take it you're the new girl everyone's been talking about, no?"
"Oh, yeah I am. Didn't think people would talk about me."
"Well we don't normally get new kids so when we do we get quite excited haha."
"That's cute haha. Oh I'm Phoebe by the way."
"Cute name. I'm Eric."
"I like that name. Suits you well."
"I don't know haha you just look like an Eric."
"Haha ok then."

Me and Eric talked the entire walk to school. And I have to admit, he is quite funny... and cute. His brown hair and hazel eyes are adorable.

Kinda short chapter haha but I hope y'all like it.

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