#16 Moodkiller, Moodsaver

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Component sixteen

Quote of the day: "Be who you needed when you were younger."
"Fuck, would you look at that ass!"

Nobody, absolutly not a single Person had ever seen Hancock blush. Hancock. Out of all people. It was often speculated if he even had any blood in his body.

The moment that Nathan's confused eyes landed on Hancock though, he turned bright, flaming red. It was a sight to behold. It was a thousand times more powerful than the vein on Danse's forehead.

The blush was so aggressive that it spread out across his whole face, ears, neck and beyond. It was glorious.

The others would have laughed, if they weren't so embarrased themselves and if Piper wouldn't look at them with the most vicious glare anyone had ever glared.

MacCready swallowed hard and even Deacon with his unshakable self-esteem seemed a tad uncomfortable.

The only one unaffected was, obviously Cait, who lounged on the couch and watched the whole ordeal with a great amount of malicious joy. She was gloating.

Nathan seemed to be equally confused, uncomfortable and also a little flattered.

The good man that he was, he didn't allow the situation to become any more awkward (although that probably wouldn't have been possible anyway) and instead he moved inside and put his shopping bags on the counter, while taking a look at the yearbook in Hancocks hand.

"Ah, High School! Seems like a whole different life, doesn't it? And additionally you discovered my shameful phase of skinny jeans. You guys stretch the definition of "privacy" quite far, don't you?", he commented with a rather stern expression.

Immediately, various different voices started to defend themselves, while also profusely apologising.

Nathan however cut them off with a wave of his hand. A slow smile spread over his face while he said: "No worries, I'm not mad, rather I guess I should feel honored for such an exquisite comment on my person."

Then he winked at Hancock, who nearly died on the spot. Suddendly the old tension was back but Nathan broke through it by telling the companions to help him unpack the groceries that they had picked up on their way back.

Everyone got to work immediatly and more (Nick and Cait) or less (Deacon and Hancock) efficiently.

Finally Nathan excused himself to his bedroom to change his clothes.

The minute that he left the room, all the eyes in the room turned to Piper.

"How was it?"

"What happened?!"

"What took you so long?!"

"Why do you look so ang-"

"QUIET, ALL OF YOU!", Piper hissed at them. "What do you think you're doing? Nosing around the house? Your behaviour is disgusting, immature, shameful! I expected it from you, Hancock, Deacon and MacCready, but Nick, why you too? You are a detective for Atom's sake, have some god-damn self-respect. And Danse, Nathan and you are not together here, get that in the thick skull of yours! You don't have any special right to his person, we are all in the same boat here! And with your kind of behaviour, it'll be a very short ride!"

The companions reeled back a bit at Pipers heavy tirade. Nick eventually tried to cut in ánd calm her down, but apparently it was the completly wrong thing to do as Piper completly lost her composure then.

"You want me to calm down? CALM DOWN? You are scaring him for gods-sake! Imagine his situation right now! The house full of strangers, his future blown to bits and his whole fucking life turned upside down! We have done enough damage as it is! Why do you have to flirt with him at every moment? Give him some rest! At this rate I'd rather see him with Pablo than with any of you!"

A stunned silence followed her outburst and Piper seemed quite embarrased.

Then slowly Danse spoke up: "Who the hell is Pablo?!"

The others started To look interested in this as well. Piper tried circling back but now it was too late.

"He's nobody. Nothing you've got to worry about!", she ended her Statement with a rather nervous laugh that stood in a stark contrast to her outburst.

"Nobody? I'm not sure I believe you right there, Piper.", Nick stated with raised eyebrows and in his best stern detective voice.

"Yeah, Piper, spill the tea!", Cait yelled with an evil grin from the couch. Piper threw her a betrayed look.

"Guys, calm down, he's just an old friend of Nathan and the director of the newspaper agency. They haven't seen each other in very long. Pablo seemed quite happy to see Nathan well."

"DId he flirt with Nathan?!"






"I'll kill him.", Danse said.

"Me too", MacCready commented.

"Me three", Deacon joined the group of righteous knights trying to save their (more than capable) damsel in distress.

"I'll rip out his eyes and feed them back to him. Then I'll cut of his arms and slap him into another dimension with said arms and after that-", Hancocks very colourful threat was apruptly stopped by Nathan coming out of his bedroom and asking with a happy smile: "Who wants to help me cook?"

Buffout: "Um, Psycho?"
Psycho: "Yeah?"
Buffout: "What does 'k' mean?"
Psycho: "What do you mean, what does k mean? What kind of stupid question is that?"
Buffout: "No like, '1k'. What is that?"
Psycho: "Oh. That means one thousand."
Buffout: "Ah."
Psycho: "Why are you asking, exactly?"
Buffout: "We got a thousand reads."
Psycho: "WHAT?"

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