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Kobe's pov;

I was about to head upstairs when I heard a familiar male voice, so I stop with my walking. I look toward the direction where the voice came from and saw my father, sitting on the couch with his back facing me.

"The mating season has begun. And I'm sure you know what that means, right?"

I looked away from him and just sighed at his words. 


"This is you last chance, Kobe. The coordination can't wait, it has to be this year. You have to find your mate during this time."

"You know, I can still find my made after I become head Alpha," I told him as I rolled my eyes lazily.

"And that is why you can't find your mate!"

He suddenly raised his voice. Then, he stood up from the couch and turned towards my direction as I looked at him. 

"You'll be stronger when you have someone by your side and that someone should be your mate!"

"I'm already strong!" I raised my voice.

"There's no Alpha without a Luna in the Moon Stone Pack."

Once again, I looked away from him, being tired of his stupid words. 

"But it isn't my fault. You can't blame me for those female omegas who can't even make my inner wolf attracted to them."

"If you can't find you before the end of this mating season, I'll force you to mate with one of the female omegas. Whether you like it or not."

I scoffed and looked at him in disbelief.

"Who are you to choose my mate? My Luna? The new Moon Goddess? Huh?!"

"You do really have the guts.. Talking to Head Alpha like that."
-He chuckled.

I made eye contact with him, my eyes turning a (light) red color, showing no fear of him. I won't allow anyone nor him to dominate me.

"Those eyes, that eye color... I'm surprised that Dejuane doesn't have that, even though he's the oldest."

"You should be proud of yourself, Kobe. Without that disrespectful behavior of yours, Dejuane would've been Head Alpha."
-He smirked.

I growled before walking out of the cabin, going into the forest. 


What is he thinking? He thought that maybe I'd love to suffer during my rout without having a mate. I rolled my eyes at the thought and continued my walking. 

Suddenly, an unfamiliar scent filled the air out of nowhere as I felt my heart just skipped a beat, I stopped in my tracks. 

This unknown scent is making my inner wolf go crazy. This is strange. This never happened before.. Why now?

I started to breath heavily and I don't know what this feeling is but, it's amazing. This scent is slowly driving me crazy, and I can smell it even more as my senses intensifies. 

I started scanning my surroundings to find out where the scent was coming from, until my gaze landed on a girl's figure, Her back was facing me she picked some flowers. 

The moment I saw her, my wolf became shy and nervous. It surprised me a lot since I know that my wolf is always cold-hearted and ignorant. 

∾⁰SECRET WOLF⁰∾    {KBREEZO ff}Where stories live. Discover now