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Angel's pov;

I was still curious about the wolf I met yesterday so I decided to go back in the forest, hoping it'd show up. I looked around, trying to find it, but couldn't see any signs of his presence.

Or maybe it was just hiding.

After a moment of waiting, I heard a familiar whine behind me. I turned around and smiled once I saw the wolf from yesterday.  

I should be scared, but I'm not. This is soo weird! I felt like I had some kind connection between this wolf. 

He walked closer to me and began sniffing around me, making me feel ticklish as I giggled. He looks like someone who wants cuddle. Cute.

"How did you find me?" I asked, rubbing behind his left ear.

He sat down and twitched his nose, saying that he found me because of my body odor. And since its a wolf, it must have a good nose. I sat down and he immediately licked my face over and over again. 

Everything was just fine.


The sound of a gun can be heard as the wolf in front of me collapsed on the ground. I flinched when I saw that it got shot in his leg, and it's bleeding. 

I looked at the direction of the gunfire, I widened my eyes when I saw Devin, only to see a Glock in his hand palm. I was left shock.  

I quickly stood in front of the wolf, blocking him from Devin as it struggled to stand up because of his wounded leg.

"What are you doing?!"

"What am I doing?! What are you doing?! have you lost your mind?! You could've been killed!"

-He shouted.

"Well, I'm not dead, bitch! Now drop that gun!"

"Stop acting like a fool, Angel! Now, get away from it!"



I looked back at the wolf and gestured him to run, hoping it'll do as I say even though he has a wounded leg. 

"Go, just go. Please," I whispered close to its ear, rubbing his fur in comfort.

It looked at me, putting his head against mine before he quickly ran off, ignoring the pain in his leg.

I then heard Devin cocking the gun, I quickly turned and ran towards him to stop him from shooting. 

"No!" I yelled, taking his gun and throwing it as far as I could.

He looked at me in disbelief.

"Why did you shoot him?! Everything was completely fin when I told you about him yesterday!" I yelled as anger took me over.

"Ah, Angel..."


"I was just trying to help. It's a fricking wolf! Why are you like this all of a sudden?"

-He asked and crossed his arms.

I stayed silent for a moment before walking pass him.

"Asshole..." I muttered under my breath.

Kobe's pov;

I groaned as I felt the sting in my wounded arm again. When I entered the cabin, he first persons I saw was Ballo and Olivia. Since they were busy playing their own games, they didn't notice my presence.

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