°• chapter one •°

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Here I was, another sleepless night, crying alone in my room, texting celebrities.

A weird way to let out my feelings and thoughts, but it worked.

I knew there's a chance they might read it, but the chance of getting hit by lightning was probably bigger.

My usual ranting victims were Joel from Blind Channel, Harry Styles, but most of the time, Damiano from Måneskin, especially when it was related to tragic Greek myths.

This time, I was ranting about Ovid's version of the myth of Medusa, where a fair maiden, raped by the god of the seas, was punished by the goddess of strategic war, cursing her with snakes in place of her once beautiful hair.

It was so unfair and it had so many psychological issues deeprooted.
I fell asleep, forgetting about the messages as usual.

"Amara!" yelled my roommate and best friend, moving the curtains, light scattering throughout the entire room.

I had only slept a few hours, but they were enough for me to go to work.

"Morning to you too, Anne," I groaned, getting out of my bed immediately. If I stayed even a minute I would fall asleep again.

"I have a couple of classes today, then I'm going to Gray's, if I don't come back tonight I'm at his," she took some of the snacks I had left on my desk last night.

"Leave those, I'll clean up," I rubbed my eyes, adjusting to the light.
After she had left, I cleaned up a bit, took a shower, dried my hair, and got ready.

A pair of light washed mom jeans, white converse, my uniform-shirt later, I looked quite basic, the only interesting thing being my bleached white hair and strawberry-covered mask.

If it was up to me, I would have added way more color, maybe change the jeans with a dress, curled my hair, and added braids, wouldn't even have put on the black shirt.

But alas, if I don't go to school I have to work. So, I left the small shared apartment, I got on my white retro bike, a light pink backpack strapped to my shoulders, making my way to the coffee shop I worked at.

I had worked at a bakery, but, it got closed in April, so I got a job at this cafe, and here I am, three months later, July, working with Sam.

During the ride I blasted Chosen by Måneskin, almost running over some old lady.

I locked my bike at the back of the shop and entered through the back door.

"Morning, Sam," I went up to my colleague and hugged him.

"Morning," he said as he hugged me back.

We chatted a bit as we wiped down some tables, prepared coffee filters, the usual morning routine and we finally flipped the 'open' sign.

It was a Tuesday, pretty empty, not much going around, I served a couple of people, some friend groups, and hurt my soul as I served couples.

'God I'm freaking lonely,' I thought to myself as I served a couple who was studying together.

When I went up to the bar, Sam was wiping some cups, and I whispered to him, "See those two over there, they're adorable, can't you find me a boyfriend or something?"

Suffering through a breakup from a month ago didn't help the entire 'lonely' thing, but he was as toxic as they get, so I was glad when I caught him cheating, I only cried for like, what, 3 weeks or something?

"Honey," he replied, getting closer, "if I found a decent man I'd keep him for myself, or a woman, or a person in general, I'm not picky." he laughed a little.

As we were talking, my phone buzzed in my pocket but I ignored it. When he went to the back, I took it out and opened it.

I saw that I had a bunch of notifications, and when I opened the tab, I saw a particular person liking messages I had sent.

"Oh, I fucked up!" I yelled, making the customers turn their heads towards me.

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