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"Can I have a kiss?" I ask after we exit the fire station

"Of course," TK responds and kisses my lips 

I really like this one and I don't want him to leave.

"We never went shopping," TK realizes

"It's okay, your clothes are comfy so I can wear them," I tell him

"We can go another time, anyways, dad wants to spend the day with me tomorrow, will you be okay alone?" TK asks

"Probably, I'll just call Judd or Marjan if I start to slip," I reply, not wanting to intterupt father and son time

"Okay, thanks, I love hanging out with you but I'm missing time with my dad," TK tells me 

"I get that," I repsond quietly

We get back to TK's house and he goes to tell his dad that he's coming over. I'm not gonna lie, I'm jelous of the realtionship TK and his dad have, because I never had that and I wanted, so damn badly. After TK comes back from calling his dad, we curl up on the couch and watch a movie.

Sorry for the short chapter, I've got a thousand things going on right now. And good news, I completes 9th grade with A's and B's.

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