Hay fever (Louis)

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Louis' pov:

The alarm went off and i heard harry groan. "Harryyy, put it off" i whined since I couldn't reach it. He turned off the alarm and turned around to cuddle. He wrapped his arms around me and pressed his forehead against mine. "Goodmorning love" i whispered, still very sleepy. "Morning Lou" harry mumbled, on the verge of falling asleep again. "Don't fall asleep again darling, we need to get ready." I said and stroked his cheek. "Hmmm" he mumbled. "Come on" i said and stood up to pull him out of bed. We went to the bathroom and showered.

We ate breakfast and walked to the car. I was literally outside for 5 seconds to walk from the door to the car and my nose was already itching. My eyes got watery and i sneezed. "Bless you" harry said and looked at me sympathetically, knowing my hay fever will play up today cause spring just started. "Thanks" i said and we drove off. I already knew this was gonna be a hard day.

We stopped at the first interview and got out the car. "Achoo, achoo, achoo" "wow 3 times in a row, bless you" harry said and rubbed my back. I groaned. "I hate this"
"Come on let's go inside" harry said and we walked to the building.

Harry's pov:

We were in the interview and Lou couldn't stop sneezing. His eyes were all watery and puffy and he looked so tired. We needed to do a lot of parts again cause he interrupted it by a sneeze. Management looked very mad but me and the other lads all understood. He must feel like crap and he couldn't help it. I asked management if he could go home today to rest but they didn't allow it. I just wanted to take him home and take care of him, i felt so bad for my little boy. I looked at him and he was rubbing his forehead, his eyes tightly shut.

Louis' pov:

My head was pounding and i was massaging it now, trying to ease the pain. I didn't care about the interview, i felt too bad to care. I felt exhausted, i just wanted to go to bed and cuddle with Haz. Suddenly i felt a tickle in my throat and i got into a major coughing fit. "Turn off the cameras" Liam said. Harry came over and rubbed my back. I couldn't breathe and i started wheezing, i was really panicking. "Lou, calm down baby. It's okay. Copy my breathing okay? In.. and out.." harry said and took some deep breaths to show me. I looked at him with wide, scared eyes and tried to follow his breathing. After a few tries i finally got my breath back. "That's it darling, breathe. Shhh you're okay, you're doing so good" harry whispered and pulled me in a hug, rocking me back and forth. "Mmm i'm exhausted" i mumbled, nuzzling my face in the crook of his neck. "I know baby, i'm sorry." Haz answered, scratching up and down my back which felt so good. I felt my eyelids become heavy and my eyes started to droop. It wasn't long before i fell asleep in his arms.

Harry's pov:

I felt Louis' body fully relax and he went limp in my arms. The poor boy is so exhausted. "Is he okay?" Niall asked worried. "Yeah i guess, he's just very tired" i whispered while stroking Lou's hair. "Hey guys! It's time to go to the studio!" Someone from management shouted and Louis stirred in my arms. He started to sneeze immediately. "Achoo, achoo, a-achoo, achoo.." and so it went on. He's awake for 1 second and he already got into a sneezing fit, the poor boy. The sneezes were over and i saw him struggling to catch his breath. "Shhh love calm down, you're okay" i whispered and hugged him till he got his breath back. He collapsed in my arms and i carried him to the van.

Louis' pov:

I was laying in harry's arms in the van. It was only a 5 minute ride so I didn't wanna fall asleep, but it was really hard not to. My eyes kept falling closed. Harry saw and layed my head on his chest and stroked my hair and cheek. "I'm so sorry that we can't go home little one, i can see how tired you are.." he whispered. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at him and smiled.

5 minutes later we arrived and harry helped me out of the van. Liam and Niall were already on their way inside. We were walking now and i sneezed again, hoping it would stop after that one. And luckily it did. "Bless you" harry said and ruffled my hair. We continued walking to the entrance. I started to sway and stumble from weakness and exhaustion. Harry quickly wrapped an arm around my waist and we walked inside.

Harry's pov:

We walked to the other lads who were sitting on the couch. We walked through the door and they looked at us, seeing how exhausted he looked. "Oh Lou, come here" Liam said and patted the couch besides him. We walked over to them and Louis sat down next to Liam, letting out a big sigh. I sat down next to Lou on the other side. Liam pulled him in a hug and rubbed his back. I saw his body relax in Liam's embrace, it was really cute how the other lads were so caring. "Come on guys! We need to start recording!" Someone from the studio shouted. I was facing Lou's back while he was still hugging Liam. "Hey love, it's time to record" i whispered and massaged his neck a bit. "Hmmm" he slowly lifted his head off of liam's shoulder and pulled away. He was sitting between liam and me now and suddenly he started to fall. Luckily we were all still sitting on the couch and he fell with his back against my chest and his head on my shoulder. "Woah what's happening baby? Are you awake?" I asked worried. "Yeah.. i just.. got a little dizzy." He whispered.

Louis' pov:

I almost passed out against harry's chest, but i have to go record now. But before i went inside the recording booth, i started sneezing again. It was so exhausting.. after 2 minutes i was finally done again. "Wow Lou, that must be a record" niall said and patted my back. "Ughhh god this is so annoying!" I said panting. We walked inside the booth and started recording

We were singing the first song and i already screwed it up by sneezing 3 times. "I'm sorry.." I apologized and we started over. I managed to get through the song without sneezing this time. We started the second song and that one went well too. Then we started to sing "night changes" and my solo was coming up. I started singing but then a sneeze came up. I started again but another sneeze came up. And so it went on, i had started over 7 times now and i was so done with it. "God damnit! I hate this! What the hell is wrong with me! I'm so sorry guys i'm just annoying everyone, fucking hell!" I said very very annoyed with the situation. "Lou come on calm down baby, it's okay. We understand." Harry said to calm me down. "I'm sorry, i just-.." i started but was interrupted by another sneeze. "Achoo, achoo a-achoo,.." and that repeated for another few times. I had another sneezing fit. "Achoo" i let out my last sneeze and my legs gave up, i collapsed on the ground, utterly exhausted. My head was pounding from all the sneezes. "Lou! Oh my god darling are you okay?!" Harry shouted and rushed over to me. "Please Hazzie, keep it down love, my head is killing me." I whimpered, my eyes squeezed shut. "I'm sorry" he whispered. He cradled me in his arms and stroked my hair while rocking me back and forth again. He knew that always made me feel really safe and comfortable. "I'm taking him home now, he's exhausted" harry said.

Harry's pov:

"I'm taking him home now, he's exhausted" i said, looking at management. They fortunately nodded. I looked down at little Lou who was laying in my arms and saw his eyes were fluttering. "Lou, sleep baby. It's okay i'm gonna take you home. Just rest now little one" i whispered. That was all he needed to hear, he let his eyes fully close and he was out like a light.

We arrived at home, Niall and Liam dropped us off, and i carried Lou out of the car. He started to stir when i picked him up and slowly opened his eyes. "I'm sorry sweety, I didn't mean to wake you" i whispered. He weakly smiled at me. I struggled to open the door with him in my arms and he saw. "Put me down haz, it's okay i can stand" he said and i put him down, but still holding him up by his waist. I opened the door and Lou walked straight to the couch. He put his head in his hands and let out a shaky breath. "God i've never been this tired, this hay fever sucks" he said. "Let's go shower, you need to get the pollen off of you" i said and helped him walk up the stairs. "Achoo, achoo achoo,.." louis let out another 3 sneezes and i was afraid he would get into another sneezing attack but luckily it stayed with that 3. He sighed deep. His eyes were drooping while he was standing in the shower. "Hold on for a few minutes love, we can almost go to bed" i said.

Louis' pov:

We got out of the shower and Haz gave me one of his hoodies and a pair of sweatpants. I was so grateful for him, he's literally the best boyfriend ever. He wrapped me up in a blanket and layed me down in bed. I sank into the soft pillows and immediately relaxed. "Hmmm finally" i mumbled. "You look absolutely exhausted baby, now get some sleep, i love you little one. "I love you too Hazzie" i answered and cuddled up to him. He started stroking my hair which made me very very sleepy. I hummed in contentment and finally fell into a long sleep.

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