Sick and hiding it

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Louis' pov:

It was 6am and i woke up, feeling incredibly sick. My nose was itching and i let out 3 sneezes in a row. I looked at harry and saw that he was still sleeping, he didn't hear the alarm. I felt a tickle in my throat and started coughing loud which made harry stir. I think i caught a cold. I had all the symptoms: pounding headache, sore throat, coughing, sneezing, i felt really cold but i was sweating, i was really tired and all my muscles were hurting. Luckily we only have to work this morning and this afternoon we got some free time. I turned around and snuggled up with Haz.

Harry's pov:

I woke up by hearing Lou coughing. Then he turned around and cuddled with me. I kept my eyes closed, still feeling pretty tired, and wrapped my arms around him. I put my hand on his forehead to stroke his hair out of his eyes and felt that he was burning up. "Lou?" I asked with a raspy voice from just waking up. "Mmm?" He mumbled. "Are you okay? You're really hot" i asked concerned.

Louis' pov:

"Are you okay? You're really hot" harry asked me. "Yeah i'm fine, it's probably from being wrapped up in all the blankets." I lied as convincingly as possible. I couldn't tell him cause then he would want me to stay home and then i would bring everything and everyone behind on work. And i hate it when he has to worry about me, he has enough on his mind already with all our work. It's better if no one knows. "Are you sure sweety? You can tell me" he said. "Yeah Haz i'm sure" i said and stood up to go shower, but that wasn't a great idea. A sharp pain shot through my skull and i became very dizzy. I stumbled backwards and sat down on the bed again, with a hand on my forehead and my eyes squinted shut. "Baby, you're not okay, look at you.."

Harry's pov;

"Baby you're not okay, look at you.." i said really worried when i saw what just happened. "It's okay Haz, i just stood up to fast, that's all" louis mumbled and tried to stand up. He succeeded and stumbled to the bathroom. I knew something was wrong, i know how stubborn he is to tell me when he's not feeling well. He doesn't want me to worry but i worry more when he doesn't tell me than when he does. I told him that a thousand times before but he keeps hiding it. I stayed in bed, fighting to stay awake, waiting for the bathroom to be free. I heard a lot of coughing and sneezing coming from the bathroom. I just hoped he would get through this morning.

Louis' pov:

We finished breakfast and drove off to our first interview of today. Haz was driving and i was leaning with my forehead on the cold window, my eyes drooping. I saw harry giving me concerned glances from the corner of my eye but just ignored it. It was really sweet of him to care so much, but it wasn't necessary. We arrived and got out of the car. We went inside and sat down with the other lads on the couch. I don't know if it was me or if it was really cold in there. I started shivering, i was trying really hard not to but I couldn't help it.

Harry's pov:

Louis was sitting next to me on the couch and suddenly started shivering. I wrapped an arm around him and pulled him close, trying to make him as comfortable as possible, without telling him that i know he's sick. He gladly snuggled up in my arms. "Come one guys! The interview is gonna start!" Someone from management shouted and we stood up. I was used to it already to hold louis by his waist, i knew he would start swaying. He quickly got his balance back and walked to the interviewer like nothing happened. I just wanted to take him home and take care of him.

Louis' pov:

We just finished the first interview, 2 more to go. And after that a short recording session and then the work for today was over already. It was 8am now and we walked to the van to go to the next building.

We were standing in the studio now, in the middle of the interview. When you need something to sit on for once, then there is nothing, we HAD to stand. I felt so weak, the cold robbed me from all of my strength and my legs felt like they were made of jelly. It felt like i could collapse any minute. The 2 remaining minutes felt like 2 hours. Finally it was done and i walked straight to the couch in the room and sat down.

Harry's pov:

The second the cameras were off lou stumbled to the couch and sat down, closing his eyes. He looked exhausted. I went to sit next to him. "Lou, you look worn out. Please let me take you home to get some sleep. You really need it baby" i whispered and laid him in my arms, stroking his hair softly. "I'm fine Hazzie.." he mumbled, almost unconscious. I rocked him back and forth slowly in my arms. "Haz, i'm gonna fall asleep like this.." he muttered. "So?" i whispered. "I can't.. interview.." he whispered and stood up. "But.." i started, trying to pull him back on my lap. "No i can't sleep now, you coming to the bus?" He said sleepy.

We drove to our last interview and got out of the van. The other boys asked what was wrong with Louis too, so I wasn't exaggerating, everyone could see he was feeling miserable.

Louis' pov:

We just finished our last interview, finally. All that was standing between me and my soft, warm, comfortable bed was the studio. I hope they weren't lying and that it's a really short session. Harry really knew there was something wrong with me, i stood up from the couch and again, he held me by my waist. I was glad though, i would pass out if he didn't. We sat down in the van and drove to the studio.

Harry's pov:

Louis' eyes were fluttering the whole ride to the studio, he's been fighting so hard to stay awake. The poor boy must be exhausted. He keeps coughing and sneezing, wincing everytime, probably cause of his headache and throat. Plus he is shivering violently. He was sitting next to me and i pulled him in a tight hug while rubbing his back.

Louis' pov:

Harry wrapped me in a hug and i decided to stop fighting him. I was too exhausted and weak to pretend nothing was going on. "I know you're sick love, we're going home. Now go to sleep little one, please stop fighting it" he whispered in my ear. He pulled me out of the hug and laid me down in his arms. I looked at him and gave him a little smile before my eyes rolled back and i cuddled with him, so glad to finally get some rest.

Harry's pov:

Louis went limp in my arms and i stroked his hair. I was so happy he finally gave in. Niall was sitting in the front next to Paul who was driving and saw what's going on. He told Paul and he agreed to drop us of at home. We arrived and i got out of the car with Lou curled up in my arms. "Thank you Paul!" I said. "No problem Harry! Get better soon Lou" he answered. "Take care lads!" Liam said and Niall waved at us and smiled.

Louis' pov:

We arrived and the guys all shouted something but i was too out of it to reply. I was almost sleeping in Harry's arms. I felt him carry me to the front door. "Let's get you finally to bed little Lou" he whispered and kissed my forehead. "Hmmm" was all i could bring out. He got me some medicine, helped me change into some comfortable clothes and i sank down on the soft mattress. "It's only 12:15pm, don't you mind if i go to sleep?" I mumbled, nuzzling my face in my pillow. "Lou please, just sleep darling. You really need it." He answered and sat beside me, running his hands through my hair. "Hmmm thank you Hazzie" I whispered, dozing off. "Cuddles?" I asked him. He chuckled. "Ofcourse baby, come here" he said and laid down next to me. He wrapped me up in his arms and i let out a big sigh. He lightly scratched my back, trying to make me relax. And it was definitely working. I hummed. "That feels amazing.." i managed to say. "I love you Lou." Harry whispered. "I love you too Hazzie." After a few more minutes of enjoying the feeling, i fully fell asleep.

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