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I woke up to my phone ringing and see that it was drew calling me.

"good morning sweetheart, do you want to take a ride to the boardwalk today?" 

"i would like that, what time?" i replied 

"hmm, does 2 work?" he questioned

"perfect, see you at 2" i said with a huge smile

The time was currently 11:30 which meant i had a bit of time before i have to start getting ready, i walked into the kitchen to see tess and dexter chilling on the couch, i told her my plans and she was excited that him and i were going on another date.

"do you think he will ask you to be his girlfriend?" tess questioned

"it is only our second date, i don't think so" i shrugged 

Time skip to 12:45 , i jumped in the shower and started to get ready at 1.

I threw on a lacy black cropped cami with a pair of high waisted bell bottom jeans and a pair of vans, i did my makeup like i normally did and waited for drew to arrive.

I heard a knock and opened it to reveal drew who was dressed in a stripped button down and a pair of jeans.

"you look beautiful, as usual" he complimented me, i felt my cheeks blush up

"you look handsome, as always" i returned the compliment

I locked the door since tess went out and followed drew to his car, he opened the door for me to get in and i smiled at him as i got in. He got into the drivers seat and we dove to myrtle beach to enjoy the day. Once we arrived he opened the door for me again to let me out and we walked to the boardwalk and he payed for our tickets. 

"let's hit the arcade first" i suggested and he agreed, we walked into the arcade and played the claw machine, drew won me a stuffed cat and then i kicked his butt in air hockey, after that we went on some rides and finished on the huge ferris wheel. When we were leaving i suddenly got a weird feeling but i brushed it off like it was nothing.

We then went to a restaurant near by, i got the chicken parm dish and drew got the same, we spent dinner talking and enjoying each other's company. 

After dinner we walked around town, i felt drew's fingers brush against mine before grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers, i smiled to myself and thought how perfect this date is going, maybe i am ready for another relationship. 

As always all good things must turn sour, it was the calm before the storm you could say.

"it is a beautiful night out" i said, turning towards drew

"not as beautiful as you" he said back

"how cliche of yo-" i was saying before i was cut off 

"violet, is that you?" i heard, my entire body froze, i know that voice anywhere

Drew and i turned behind us and i was met with those piercing green eyes, i didn't have any words, i tried to speak but nothing came out, drew noticed this and put his arm around me, pulling me into him where i felt safe.

"who are you?" drew questioned 

"i see my dear violet hasn't mentioned me yet, i'm trevor" trevor said smiling

I finally got the courage to talk,

"leave us alone trevor" 

"okay violet, just remember, i told you i would find you and we would meet again" he said before walking off in the other direction and disappearing into the crowd of people. 

i sighed, nothing goes right for me. 

"who was that vi" drew questioned 

"can we go home please" i avoided the question

"yeah hon, lets go" he held me tight the entire way to the car and we drove back to my house in silence.

When we arrived back at my place i asked him to come inside and he followed, tess was on the couch but i was too in shock to talk so i went to take a shower. 

                                                                 Drew's point of view

I sat on the couch while violet went to take a shower.

"what's wrong with her?" tessa questioned me

"i'm not to sure, we were having an amazing time then we ran into some guy named trevor?" i saw tessa stiffed 

"uh oh my" she was stumbling over her words

i was staring to get worried

"who is he tess?" i asked 

"it's not my place to tell you, violet will tell you when she is ready" tessa said with a sigh. 

We heard the water turn off and a few minutes later violet walked out with wet hair and an over sized shirt, her eyes were red and a little puffy but i didn't want to say anything. 

                                                   Back to violet's point of view

I walked into the living room to see tess and drew sitting on the couch, tessa got up and gave me a hug and went to bed. I sat next to drew and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"please stay the night" i said, it came out like a whimper 

he nodded and asked if he could use the shower, i got up and took out a huge old ac/dc shirt and a pair of clean boxers he left here last time he was over. He took 10 minutes in the shower then came out and cuddled up to me on the couch. The time was already 10.

"i had a wonderful time, thank you for today" i said snuggling up to him, dexter jumped up on the couch and laid between our legs

"im glad, i had a wonderful time as well" he smiled, that smile made me melt

"thank you for staying with me" 

"don't thank me violet, anything for you" 

"goodnight drew, tomorrow i will tell you about the guy we ran into"

"whenever you feel comfortable, goodnight vi" he said giving my forehead a kiss.

I drifted away to sleep in his arms, where i was safe and protected. 

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