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A couple weeks go by and tess and i are getting really close with the cast, drew and i especially, we are becoming close friends. We constantly flirt but there's no way he'd like me like that. is there ? Everyone says we should just become a couple already.
to the outer banks group chat- hey guys, would you guys want to come over for a pool party? Tessa and i are renting our new house and the pool is fantastic!!
a couple minutes go by and they all agree and ask what they can bring.
to the outer banks group chat- bring whatever you guys want , food , drinks, games. whatever your heart desires! but you don't have to! we have it covered. the address is... be here for let's say 6? if that works for everyone?
They all agreed on the time. 
Tessa and i had a few hours so we had to make a grocery store stop for food and alcohol.
When we got home we started setting up the backyard with string lights and water guns i lit the grill up and began cutting up potatoes and placing hamburgers, hot dogs , potatoes , ribs , vegetables , veggie burgers (always good to have a vegetarian option) the first person arbor was chase so i asked him to keep an eye on the grill while tessa and i put on our bathing suits and he didn't mind.
I put on a red stripped bikini top and black bottoms and tessa put on a one piece and we went outside and seen everyone else was already here.
"welcome to our humble abode" i said with a chuckle
"thank you for having us" madelyn said and they all agreed.
Everyone brought something, side dishes and alcohol mostly. i thanked them all for bringing stuff.
"you look good violet" drew said putting his hand around my waist and pulling me in.
"thanks, you look good too" i said back with a wink.
Chase took over on the grill and i let him, everything was soon done and we ate.
"you did a good job chase , thanks for taking over. the food is delicious" i said.
"of course, anything for you vi"
"hey vi is my nickname for violet" tessa said with a pout we all laughed.
Soon after we were chilling by the pool for a bit and then drew picking me up and puts me over his shoulders.
"put me down drew , now or i swear to god"
"hmmm okay" he said before jumping in the pool still holding onto me.
i floated to the surface and seen everyone laughing so i began splashing everyone with water. everyone soon jumps in and we have a good time swimming and playing games in the pool.
We got out when it was dark out , i dried off and slipped on a pair of jean shorts over my bikini.
We soon decided to make s'mores on the little bit of fire on the grill we have left.
"drew can you help me bring out the stuff for the smores?" i asked.
"of course" he said getting out of his chair, placing his beer on the table following me into the kitchen.
I handed him the marshmallows and box of graham crackers, i had the chocolate bars in my hand and metal sticks to roast the marshmallows on.
We all enjoyed the delicious dessert.
I started to shiver and drew noticed.
"Hey take my hoodie" he said , before i can object he was already taking it off.
"life your arms up" he demanded and i did what he said , he slid the warm hoodie on me , it smelt just like him. heaven.
"and they say chivalry is dead" rudy said.
"you guys would be really cute together , you guys are always flirting anyway" tess said. my face turned red and i laughed it off. Everyone agreed with her.
"do you guys just want to sleep over ? it's already 12 am?" i questioned, everyone was too tipsy to drive so they all agreed to stay.
We headed inside and i collected extra pillows and blankets and headed into the living room.
"The couch unfolds and i have an extra bedroom , tessa and i share a bed regardless so you guys can decide who goes where, i have extra clothes for everyone too if they'd like to shower" i mentioned dropping the stuff on the couch.
Everyone thanked me and i showed them where the bathroom was and the extra bedroom. I always like having extra of everything and always being prepared just in case people sleep over and want to be comfortable.
Everyone changed into comfortable clothes and we decided to watch a movie before bed, i put popcorn in the microwave and then poured it into a large bowl for all of us to share. We decided to watch the breakfast club, a classic. Once the movie was over the guys decided to let madison and madelyn share the extra bedroom while they take the couch and floor.
"goodnight everyone. see you guys in the morning , if you need anything help yourselves to whatever you guys want" i said to them all.
Drew came up and gave me a hug and thanked me, wasn't unusual since we've hugged a lot, but this one felt different. i felt like we were the only ones in the world, am i crushing on him? He was very attractive that was obvious, but could he go for someone like me ? could i even be in a relationship again?

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