Chapter 1

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.

Finally, an IU fanfic!


3rd Person's PoV

"Oh!..Oh fuck.. yeah, right there-"

"Hwang Yu-jin, stop watching porn while I'm trying to sleep!" Y/n groans out, throwing a pillow towards the laughing Yu-jin.

"Oh come on, you have to get up anyways. Don't you have to find a job or something?" Yu-jin asks, before she starts to jump on Y/n's bed, annoying the girl even more.

"Yes.. can you please stop doing that.." Y/n practically begged her hyper best friend, then, her eyes landed on the clutter around the room. "And can you please call your siblings to help you clean around the apartment?"

Seeing Y/n's annoyed face, Yu-jin nodded, "Fine.." She then opened the door to Y/n's room and yelled, "Hyunjin! Yeji! Come here and help me clean up Y/n/n's room!"

Loud groans can be heard before the two appeared, "I don't want to clean, my precious hands will get dirty!" Hyunjin reasoned making her older sister scoff.

"You're so dramatic, just clean up. Y/n/n here have to go find a job so we have something to eat on the next few months. Now go on!" Yu-jin orders, making Yeji and Hyunjin give Y/n a kiss on the cheek as a thank you for handling everything they need.

Bae Y/n, 23 years of age, unemployed and currently single. As soon as she turned 18, she had left her toxic household and decided to go live on her own.

And since Yu-jin has the same situation with her parents, she decides to go with her best friend, taking both of her siblings with her to live in a more peaceful place. Away from fights, unending glares and tension.

At the age of 20, the two bought a decent sized apartment for the four of them. Four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a medium sized kitchen and a huge living room. Thanks to their savings and hard work at part timing at a local café, they get to live in a cozy place but the only problem now is the water and electric bills, along with their foods.

So finally having the strength to get up from her bed, Y/n went to shower before changing into a formal wear to go find a high paying job.

"Wooow, lookin' good in suits, Bae." Yu-jin gushed, making Yeji and Hyunjin do the same, a grin now on their lips.

"I'm a Bae, I look good in anything.." Y/n says her line, slipping her hands in her pocket. "But anyways, I have to get going, I need to find a job. Ugh.."

"Why don't you just go with unnie, Y/n/n? Yu-jin unnie said she'll just become a stripper to make lots of mone-" Yeji was cut off when Yu-jin gave her sister a look.

"Really?" Y/n asks, an amused smirk on her face. "Do you want to be a stripper to earn money or to stare at the other strippers?"

"B-Both.." Yu-jin mumbles, causing the three to stifle their laughs,"B-But whatever, Y/n! It's not like I'm serious about it.. I'm gonna look for a job too but I think I'll go after lunch."

"Okay, okay. I'll see you guys later," Y/n waves, grabbing her things, " god, this is gonna be a long day...hopefully, a sugar daddy comes and change my life.."

Hearing what her best friend says, Yu-jin laughs and rolls her eyes, "Sugar daddy? Really, Y/n? Get your straight ass out of here..sugar mommy is way better."

"Whatever you say.."

After 10 hours of trying to find a job—which went horrible considering they'd either flirt with or just eye fuck her— Y/n went in the café she was working at months ago, and ordered her usual order.

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