Chapter 2

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I didn't proofread sorry for mistakes.


3rd Person's PoV

"Turn around, darling. Be a good girl and let me see that pretty face.."

Sweet jesus..

Slowly turning to face the woman she was staring at just a few minutes ago, Y/n slightly turned her head and finally, their eyes met. Y/n felt her heart stop at the beauty in front of her, and thought, how can someone be so effortlessly breathtaking and look unrealistic just standing there.

"Oh my, a pretty face indeed.." She says, her eyes roaming Y/n up and down, the smirk on her face never leaving.

Y/n almost grin at the compliment she was given by an attractive woman, but being the professional that she is, remained her perfect posture and never lets the attraction towards her boss show.

Looking back down up to Y/n's shoes for the second time, the woman's smirk went wider and more devilish as she says,"Do you mind picking that up, darling.."

Y/n looked down and noticed one of the lingerie of the woman in front of her. She must've dropped it when she was taking the basket of scattered clothes outside.

Y/n's ears immediately went red, before she crouched down to grab it making the one and only owner of Hotel Del Luna stare down at her with a naughty smirk.

As Y/n slowly grips the red, soft fabric over her palm, the sound of heels clacking went louder as the woman got closer to her

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As Y/n slowly grips the red, soft fabric over her palm, the sound of heels clacking went louder as the woman got closer to her. She looks up and once again met the woman's cold eyes, her thighs just a few inches away from her face, almost making them touch.

"What a pretty view.."

Y/n licked her lips as she gets back up, immediately towering over the pretty lady's figure making her slightly smirk that widens her boss's smile even more.

"I need to know the name of the person who was drooling at my portrait just a few minutes ago.." The woman cockily says, making Y/n roll her eyes internally,

God, she's gorgeous but what a cocky woman. I wasn't even drooling.

"What's your name, baby?"

"My name is not baby, it's Bae Y/n." Y/n finally spoke for the first time, causing the woman to bite her lip, hearing Y/n's voice.

"Well..close enough." The woman, which now Y/n assumes, is Ji-eun, looked down at her hand where she grips the lingerie. "Should I give that to you as a souvenir or...?."

Yujin would want it for sure but, "No, thank you." Y/n spoke shortly, making Ji-eun click her tongue, showing the disappointment by the answer.

"Well, give me it then.." Ji-eun opens her palm, as soon as Y/n place it on her hand, the shorter girl grabs it along with the taller girl's wrist, pulling to wrap it around her body. "Sleep with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2021 ⏰

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