🤕Injury🤕 (Bad6d)

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Request by @SandersSidesAngst

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Request by @SandersSidesAngst

Thank you a6demon for helping me owo

Platonic friendship: BadBoyHalo and a6d

⚠injury, blood⚠

Bad was bored and wanted to spend time with someone. He called all of his friends and sadly they all were busy. He sighed and saw one contact and it was a6d. He called him and waited. He then heard a voice.

"Hello?" a6d said in the phone. Bad smiled.

"Hey a6d, are you busy?" Bad asked, hoping a6d was not busy.

"Uhh no I'm not. Why?"

"I was thinking about.. You know spending time with each other?"

"Hmm that sound great. What time?"

"Any time you like."

"Alright I be at your house at 1 PM. Byeee"

a6d closed the call and Bad was squealing that he finally can spend time with someone. He prepared himself with his phone and waited.

It was 1 PM and he heard a knock. Bad knew it was a6d. He went to the door and opened. He saw a6d at the door, smiling. Bad gave him a tightest hug making a6d couldn't breathe.

"Bad, you're hugging me too tight-" a6d said as he was about to run out of breath. Bad giggled and dragged a6d to the park.

They both stopped in front of the park and a6d found it comforting and chill. Bad grabbed a6d's arm and hold onto it. a6d looked down to see Bad smiled as he hold onto his arm. They both walked to the park, feeling warm air.

Bad wanted to jog and jumping around like a little happy child. a6d sighed and smiled at Bad's happy childish behavior. He was happy that Bad existed in his life. He smiled until Bad fell into the ground.

"AAHHHHHH!" Bad screamed in pain and terror.

The pain was unbearable for him to handle. The bone poked his muscle and the broken part of the bone was almost visible in the skin. It felt like he had been stabbed with a butcher knife, it was that painful. He started to hyperventilate and he cried.

"Oh my god! Bad! Shit shit shit... Dont worry, I'll help you!" a6d rushed over to him and spoke in between gasps of shock.

a6d touched Bad's arm and Bad flinched, groaning more in pain.
"Bad, listen to me. I'm going to get your arm out of the gap in the wood. I'll make sure to be very steady and slow. Signal me if the pain is too much for you. Do you trust me?"
Bad nodded quickly and just wanted this to end. a6d kissed him on the cheek and counted down, "Three, two, one."

a6d put his hands on Bad's arm gently and began to lodge Bad's arm out of the gap. Bad bit his lip harshly in pain and more tears fell down. a6d watched his arm carefully and saw there was blood. There were splinters deep in his flesh from scratching his arm in the uneven wood. He moved it from side to side slowly and saw the splinters were going deeper into his skin. a6d immediately stopped and Bad squeezed his hand. Bad put his head on a6d's shoulder and cried.

"Don't worry, this is going to be over soon. When I get your arm out I'll call 911, okay? I know it hurts like hell but I'm doing the best I can to help you." a6d kissed Bad's tears away and brushed his hand on Bad's hair.

Bad cried in his shoulder, "a-a6d... It hurts to m-muchhh. gghhhh... please, please, please end this." Bad began to sob and he squeezed a6d's hand tightly. a6d enfolded his fingers in Bad's and squeezed his hand back.

"Bad, I most likely need to force your arm out of this all at once. It's not in there halfway in the gap but I'll be able to shove it out. Are you ready?"

Bad shook his head, "I'm afraid i-its gonna hurt alot! I dont want it!"
"Trust me. You have to trust me please." a6d looked into his eyes full of remorse.
Bad took a deep breath, "Do it."

a6d quickly kissed him on the lips before starting. He grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled it out. The wood scratched harshly against Bad's skin, scratching it deeply. The splinters that were still attached on the wood were pulled out of his arm, but a few splinters that snapped off the wood were lodged deeper in his flesh.

It took just a few seconds of unbearable, almost torturous pain, but Bad's arm was pulled out of the gap and was bleeding from the wounds caused from the wood. His arm looked wrecked from the way his elbow was bent. a6d immediately called 911 for medical service. After he was done and they were waiting for the ambulance to arrive, a6d hugged Bad.

a6d whispered softly, "You did well, you did so so well. I'm proud of you. I love you and I'm so sorry you broke your arm this way."

Bad cried in a6d's chest. He was low on energy and he couldn't move. All he wanted to do was sob in a6d's arms.

The ambulance arrived and Bad was taken away to the hospital. Before Bad left a6d, a6d quickly came up to him and kissed him on the lips again, "I'll visit you. I promise." a6d squeezed Bad's hand and tears fell down his cheek.

Few days later

a6d went to the hospital with flowers. He waited in the waiting room and saw the nurse went out. He asked the nurse if Bad was okay and if it was okay for him to get in and the nurse said yes. a6d thanked her and went in. He saw Bad with a bandage on his arm to make sure the arm was in the proper place. a6d sat next to him and snuggled on his shoulder. Bad looked at him and smiled.

"Hey buddy. What's up?" Bad smiled at him. a6d continued snuggling onto Bad's shoulder and felt safe and warm.

"How's your arm?" a6d asked. Bad nodded and his mind was always positive. a6d gave him flower and Bad thanked him.

"You know, once you get out of here, we can cuddle." a6d suggested. Bad though of it and told him it's a good idea. a6d smiled and continued to snuggle on Bad's shoulder.

Few days later

Bad finally went out and his arm was now okay. They went home and Bad finally saw his house again. It felt so nice to be out of the hospital.

"Baaaddddd" a6d whined. Bad loved hearing a6d's whines. He wraps his arms around him.

"Yes?" Bad asked. He knew what a6d wanted when he heard a6d whining.

"I want cudddlleeesssss" a6d whined. Bad softly laughed and lifted a6d up like a baby and headed to the bedroom. Bad gently put a6d down on the bed and cuddled.

Bad wrapped his arms around a6d and softly kissed his forehead. a6d loved the warm kiss. He felt he was kissed by an angel who was sent by God to him.

"I love you" a6d said before he fell asleep.

"I love you too" Bad said and kissed his forehead for the last time and went to sleep, pulling a6d closer to him.

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