Chapter 8: Men in Black

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TW: Violence

The cool morning breeze lapped Clay's face as he ran towards Nick's house. He opened the door to see him sitting on the floor of his living room watching some sort of cartoon and eating a bowl of cereal. He had his usual messy hair and lazy outfit and didn't seem to even notice Clay until he plonked himself down on the couch. Nick started smirking when he saw the lovestruck grin plastered over Clay's face. 

"What?" Clay asked trying to stop smiling but ultimately failing. 

"What happened with the guy?" Nick asked turning his attention back to his cereal but still smiling. 

"What guy?" Clay said looking around nervously, his foot bouncing up and down with adrenaline. Nick looked him up and down and started laughing. 

"You kissed him didn't you." Clay nodded slowly. Nick raised his hand up to high five Clay. 

"Are you mad?" Clay asked, nervous as to what his response would be. He knew how illegal it was to jump the division fence and was very worried that Nick would turn him in. 

"Nah bro, why?" Nick replied as he stood up to take his cereal bowl to the sink. Clay followed him into the kitchen, sitting down on one of the bar stools. 

"Because, well... I kind of broke the rules and what if you turn me in and I don't know who to tell or what to do but I like him so much. I- I-" Nick came over and placed his hands on Clay's shoulders, forcing him to make eye contact. 

"Do you love him?" Nick asked. Love. He would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about that word. 4 letters, 1 syllable and somehow it had the power to change the world. Eventually, he nodded. "Then don't let some stupid government stop you. You deserve everything Clay. It may be wrong, but its about time we stopped falling to our knees for a bunch of pissbaby politicians." Clay thought about this for a while. He was right. He loved George. Nobody should stop him from getting to the person he loved. He could find away around a 200 foot fence, he could find his way around some 'pissbaby politicians'. 

The day seemed to drag on and on. He sat around giddy with excitement, dying to see George. To kiss him again. The sun dropped behind the trees and it was finally time. His lips tingled as the sensation of George's touching his still lingered from the night before. His neck was warm from his touch yet so cold, so bare. He needed George. He needed to touch him, to feel him. One thing was for certain. He could never forget George. As he made his way towards their usual spot he noticed George wasn't there. It was odd because usually George was first to arrive. Disregarding it, Clay sat next to the fence. He watched as dusk turned to night time. The birds no longer sang and the only remaining light was the dots of silver in the sky. Tears fell as he accepted the fact that George had either forgotten about him, or was avoiding him. Eventually he made the hike back home. Each step was heavy with hurt. It flowed through his body, invaded his brain. It wrapped a strong hand around his heart and ripped it from his chest. How could George forget about him? All rational thoughts ceased to exist and he was stuck in a cycle of his own self pity. 

The back door opened before he even arrived, which wasn't normal. Claire, his sister, was usually asleep. She never waited for him. When he reached her, the fear in her eyes was evident and Clay was quick to wipe away his tears and be the big brother. 

"What's wrong?" He asked placing a hand on her cheeks which were very pale. Her body was trembling and he pulled her in for a hug to try and calm her down. 

"M-ministry- T-they- they're here. They want you clay." Claire stuttered. Clay let go of her to greet the people she was talking about but she grabbed him and pulled him back. "Don't go!" She whisper shouted. Before Clay could protest, men in black uniforms and guns in hand had burst into the room. They shoved Claire to the ground and grabbed Clay's hands. Claire screamed and grabbed onto one of the men trying to pull them away from Clay but they were to strong. Clay ripped himself from their grip and punch a tall man to his right, who only stopped for a moment before getting angrier. 

"GET OFF ME!" Clay screamed. "YOU CAN'T TAKE ME. MY SISTER, WHAT ABOUT CLAIRE. SHE NEEDS SOMEONE AT HOME. WHAT DID I DO WRONG." Claire fell to the floor in despair. They stopped attacking him for a moment but kept a tight grip on his arms. 

"Your father is coming to look after your sister-" Claire wailed in pain. Not their father. It couldn't be. He wouldn't let it happen. "Nobody with your kind of immunity can stay here." Clay was about to struggle again. To protest. He tried to reach out for Claire but all of a sudden it all went black. 


Its been a while since I updated but we are finally getting to the juicer parts. If want some more fluffier stuff check out my account as I have a one-shot book and some other stories as well. But I'm really excited for where this is headed. Hope you enjoyed! I would love to know your predictions for what just happened and for what is going to happen. :)

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