Chapter Five - Sweater

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George began making his way to the same spot as yesterday, at the same time. He was calmer than he was the day before. More excited actually. All day he couldn't stop thinking about Clay. His beautiful rainbow hair. His smile and contagious laugh that even just the memory of made George smile. He figured Clay would forget about him. He would get caught up in his day and forget about the George. Why would he care about a boy he just met. Still, George kept walking. Holding onto the sliver of hope that Clay did remember. It was hard to find Clay at first. Much of the field looked the same so there was nothing to mark where he would be. As George edged closer to the division fence he could see the black outline of the blonde coming towards him and George smiled excitedly. He ran over to the fence and sat down. As Clay got closer George could see he was holding something. what appeared to be a guitar. George had never seen one before in real life. When Clay's face was in view George could see his red puffy eyes and tear streaked face and he stood up grabbing the bars of the fence. 

"Clay what-" George started but Clay just fell to the floor in front of him sobbing. George slid back down to the floor sitting as close to the fence as he possibly could. Forgetting about social distancing. Forgetting about the virus and the ministries rules. 

"My dad..." Clay sobbed.

"Your dad?" George questioned encouraging Clay to continue. Clay began telling George about his abusive father. His traumatic childhood consisting of his father tearing him apart bit by bit. Ripping at his flaws and making a mockery of his successes. It brought tears to George's eyes as he listened intently to the boy. When Clay had calmed down and his swollen eyes had returned to normal. George rested his head on the fence. 

"Clay, I'm so sorry." George said. He wanted to break the fence. He wanted to hug the broken boy in front of him and return the pieces his dad took away. But he couldn't. Clay moved in closer to the fence and rested his head in the gap between the bars so their foreheads wore touching ever so slightly. 

"It's ok George. I'm ok now." Clay smiled and George's stomach fluttered. Clay reached over and grabbed the guitar from next to him. You wanna hear some music George. George sat up excitedly. He nodded his head enthusiastically and watched as Clay positioned the guitar, placing the curved part on his knee and holding the long part with his left hand. He placed his fingers on the string and strummed with his right hand. George's ears filled with this bright ringing. It was like nothing he had ever experienced. He had only ever heard the muffled sounds of the artistry music festivals but this, this was eye opening. George thought it couldn't get any better until Clay began to sing. His smooth voiced filled George's ears strengthening the fluttering butterflies in his stomach to full force. His head was filled with nothing but the sound of the music. 

"It's to cold

For you here.

and now

so let me hold

both your hands in the holes of my sweater."

George began humming the chorus once he had heard the tune a few times which made Clay look up at him and smile. George's felt his face go a little red and but he tried to ignore it and savour the music. 

"The holes of my sweater." Clay said strumming the final chord then looking up at George. "What do ya think Georgie." George giggled at the nickname and clapped his hands. 

"woooo" He cheered excitedly. "That was incredible Clay I- I don't even know what to say."

George swore he saw Clay blush slightly and giggle "Aww thanks George." 

"I can answer your question from yesterday now." George said

"Which one?" Clay asked placing his guitar next to him. 

"My favourite song. It's... Whatever that song is called." George said shyly.

"It's called Sweater Whether." Clay laughed.

"Sweater Whether." George repeated staring off into the distance. "Speaking of sweaters. Yours is sick."

"Well thanks," Clay replied. "But its nothing special." 

"have you seen the clothes I have to wear!" George laughed. "A green sweater with a smiley face is better than anything I've ever seen." Clay stared at him for a moment before pulling his sweater over his head to reveal a blue white t-shirt underneath. 

"Then you can have it." Clay said holding it out to George. 

"No- Clay... people will ask questions."

"You can hide it. Come on. The ministry take everything away from you. From us. You can have this one thing." George looked at the sweater contemplating for a second before taking it from Clay and feeding it through the gaps in the fence. Once he had pulled it through he pulled it over his head. It was much bigger than George. The sleeved fell over his hands and the hem fell below his waist. Still, he was wearing colour. It was his. The ministry couldn't take everything away. George took a breath in inhaling Clay's vanilla and caramel scent. It was wonderful. 

"Thank you Clay!" George exclaimed waving a pawed hand in the air. Clay laughed,

"Your welcome George, Its so big on you... Its cute." Clay mumbled making George blush again. He looked at the time and thought he better head home. George watched as Clay ran away from him. Off into the dark abis that George may never get to see. Was it silly to get attached to a person he would never be able to truly know. As the Techmaven city came into view George took off Clay's sweater in case there were any officers patrolling around his house. As soon as he got inside though, he put it straight back on and fell asleep with the smell of Clay. 

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