Early years

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At home, Konoha. A few years later.

I am now five years old. I am currently waiting for my parents while reading a book of the anatomy of the human body. I haven't decided whether to become an iryō nin or not, but the information would turn out to be fruitful on vital points in case of a battle in the future, knowing, thought it disturbs me, that in the life a shinobi a first kill is inevitable.

I was seven months old when I finally learned to walk. After much progress in the control of my limbs and strength exercises, I deemed it okay to finally try to walk.

I stood up slowly to take a stance, minding my balance as to not fall. I inspected my position and the room I was in to look out for any obstacles on my path to the nearest destination, which was the couch, not noticing the presence that made itself into the room and stopping in its tracks after taking in my standing figure.

"Kizashi!" Mebuki whisper-yelled to the room beside the one we resided in, placing down the glass of water she had at hand. "Hurry if you want to witness your daughter's first steps." She continued with mirth and excitement in her voice.

As though the world slowed down, the words finally registered in the purple-haired man and his hurried footsteps could be heard along the hall, sliding to a stop at the entryway of the living room next to the blonde figure. His eagerness shown from him bouncing impatiently on his feet.

I took my first step, cautiously, narrowing my eyes at the floor with concentration. I slowly let my hand leave the wall that supported me to continue my path to the couch a few feet away. I took another step, and then another, almost losing balance.

The figures at the entrance jumped to help me when they saw me wobble, but dropped to the floor with a sigh of relief once I righted myself.

I took another few step before my legs gave out and I plopped on the floor on my rear, huffing in frustration for still lacking strength.

Two shouts of pure joy startled me when I was picked up from the floor and into a pair of arms. "My beautiful flower blossom! You took your first steps!" My father exclaimed beaming and spinning me in the air, the air ruffling my hair.

"So soon too! We're so proud!" My mother grinned at both me and my father from the side before joining us and both hugging me tightly to themselves, making my chest churn.

I couldn't allow them in, I couldn't allow myself to make bonds, not when I know how easy a bond can be taken away from me and the unbearable pain it brings, so I masked my emotions well and put up walls to distance myself.

I continued to practice to walk with the help of my parents. Albeit they were elated to see me finally walk by myself, though wobbly, they came to be worried about my lack of trying to talk, although I calmed them later saying my first words asking for food. I made it clear that I would only talk if necessary.

The next step in my journey was to read. I showed my interest in it and my father later bought me a book. It was a fairytale book, which didn't surprise me, but I still felt a tad disappointed. It made sense they wouldn't out right bring more informative books to a child that couldn't understand and read it.

When I turned three years old, we celebrated by having lunch in the living room. After blowing up the candles on my cake they took me into their embrace whispering sweet words of congratulations and expressing how much they loved me with an adoring look in their eyes, that always seemed to warm my chest, but also make it burn with guilt. Guilt of distancing myself from them, always taking a step back when they took a step forward to reach for me, and guilt for taking their real daughter's place.

It wasn't until later that I finally gave into my curiosity and asked what was on my mind. "What do you work in?" Their answer, though I suspected, shocked me greatly.

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