7 - Knowing You

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TW: death (of parents)

Y/n POV:
It had been a couple of days since the stream with the boys, we had been DMing pretty much 24/7 since and often spending our evenings in calls together whether it was all three of us or just me and Tommy when Tubbo had to go and stream. I had become quite fond of the calls with just Tommy, for someone who yells a lot and is a bit chaotic, he really does know how to listen. We would often have really deep and meaningful conversations about pretty much everything. He would also however nag me to show hi  my face, to which I said no every time. All he knew was I have h/c hair and e/c eyes and an older sister, obviously I didn't reveal it was Niki but that information wasn't necessary just yet.

(Y/n is normal) (Tommy is underlined)

What time is it for you in Germany?
Umm it's about 1am why? I'm not tired or anything so please don't worry about me
Are you sure you're not tired? You keep yawning and I don't want you getting into trouble with your parents or anything
Well there's no problem there as I have no parents to tell me off so it's kind of impossible
Oh my god y/n I had no idea, I'm so sorry
No no, it's all good! Don't worry or anything, it happened about a year ago but they weren't the best anyway so I'm not too upset about it
Who do you live with then? Please tell me you're not alone
I'm not alone don't worry, I have my older sister looking after me, she's 19 so is my legal guardian
Oh that's cool, she's the same age as Niki, maybe we could introduce them to each other
Umm about that, how well can you keep a secret and you cannot tell anyone?
I won't tell anyone I promise y/n, you can trust me
Niki is my sister, that's why we streamed together so suddenly, I had only asked her like an hour or two before we went live
Wait what? That's awesome! I won't tell anyone but I can't believe that, it actually makes so much sense!

I felt so relieved being able to tell someone the secret, it was not a major secret but it was one none the less, I had to be careful when talking about my older sister and when chatting to Niki on stream we couldn't make it obvious. Being able to tell Tommy this made me feel so much closer to him, he now knows something pretty important about my life, not only the whole Niki thing but also about my parents being dead.

Tommy POV:
I was so shocked at what y/n had told me, with it also being midnight I was pretty tired so I don't think I was able to process everything they said but from what I did understand she had a pretty difficult year to say the least. Niki being her sister surprised me most, I mean I understand them being related as they are so similar but it actually being a thing is so cool! I just need to remember not to blurt it out and ruin their secret.

This is more a filler so it doesn't seem as rushed! :)

567 words.

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