Chapter 3: Questing

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(Y/n)'s POV

I was still sitting at the table, having lunch with Charlotte when Erza and Simon walked back into the guild hall. Simon was rubbing the back of his head from what I had to assume was Erza avenging her cake. They both walked back over to us.

(Y/n): so everything ok?

Simon just rolled his eyes before walking away and hopping up to the rafters with a blast of fire from his hands. He shuffled into a comfortable position on one of the wooden beams before reaching into his bag and pulling out a book.

Charlotte: there he goes into his little nest again.

I turned and looked at Erza.

(Y/n): still comparing his power?

She nodded.

(Y/n): figured, I just want him to understand that strength isn't what matters in this world.

Erza: I think a part of him gets that, but I'm pretty sure it's something else.

Charlotte: like what?

Erza: his difference in magic power compared to the rest of his family makes him feel inferior.

(Y/n): so what should we do about it?

Charlotte: I got an idea!

We both turned to our oldest children.

Charlotte: I could take him on a really hard S-class quest, maybe give him a win.

I thought for a few moments.

(Y/n): it's a good idea, but need I remind you that you aren't S-class yet?

Charlotte: maybe not, but maybe if a certain someone gives me permission to take on an S-class quest I could.

(Y/n): ...Strawberry, you've gotta stop hanging around Natsu. Fine, but I'm picking the quest, I don't want you getting killed out there.

We both got up from our seats and walked over to the quest board.

Simon's POV

I was sat up in the rafters of the guild hall, or my "nest" as some people called it, reading a book. I was just getting to a good part when I saw a head of blonde hair in my peripheral vision before having my book suddenly snatched away from me.

???: hey, Simon!

I yelled in surprise as I quickly backed against the wall.

Simon: damnit, Layla! would you stop doing that?!

The daughter of Fairy Tail's fire dragonslayer just giggled at my surprised expression.

Layla: man, you're always so jumpy.

Simon: how'd you get up here anyway?!

Layla created a ball of fire in her hand.

Layla: same way you did.

Simon: ...right, anyway did you need something?

Layla: na, just wanted to chill out for a bit.

I yanked my book back from her and continued where I was.

Layla: ha, I can see why you like it up here.

Simon: what can I say, it's quiet and away from all the chaos down there.

As if on cue a loud boom sounded through the guild hall. I looked down and saw Layla's father brawling with Black Steel Gajeel.

Simon: well...most of the time.

Layla: ha ha...hey, me and Greige were planning to go on a quest, wanna come?

I looked up from my book at her...only to see her giving me puppy eyes.

Simon: what's the quest.

She reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Layla unfolded it and handed it to me. I read it.

Simon: a simple escort mission?

Layla: yep, I thought it'd be more your speed.

Simon: yeah, ok.

I folded the page of my book, marking the spot I left off on before putting it back in my bag.

???: HEY, SIMON!

I looked down and saw my sister waving a piece of paper in the air.

Charlotte: I've got a quest for us!

I looked at Layla before hopping down from the rafters.

Simon: uh, I already agreed to go on one with Layla and Greige.

Charlotte: AW MAN!

Simon: what quest did you pick anyway?

She handed my the quest notice. "S-class quest, Manticore destroying mountains".

I just looked up at my older sister.

Simon: are you kidding me?

She just stood there, tapping her finger tips together.

Simon: there's no way I'm risking my own neck by going up against a manticore. You can go on your own, but you can count me out.

Charlotte: AWWWWW!

Charlotte just walked back over to the table where my mom and dad were sitting.

Layla jumped down from the rafters and stood next to me.

Layla: hey, Greige, you ready?!

Greige walked over from across the room and spoke in his usual nonchalant tone of voice.

Greige: yeah, just a minute...

(Y/n)'s POV

I watched as Charlotte walked back over to me and Erza, her head hung low in defeat. She sat down next to Erza and placed her forehead on the table.

Erza: well?

Charlotte: he already had plans...

(Y/n): I told you, he doesn't like those crazy, dangerous guests.

Charlotte just groaned into the table.

(Y/n): wanna go on the quest anyway?

She just slowly responded with a nod, or at least what I assumed was a nod. Kinda hard to tell with her face down on the table.

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