Chapter 4: Escort

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Simon's POV

Me, Layla, and Greige arrived at the meeting spot for the escort mission. As we approached I could see a carriage with a rather well dressed man with a small case under his arm. We walked up to him.

Layla: hey, you the guy who sent this notice?

Layla held up the quest notice and the guy confirm it with a nod.

???: yes, I just need somebody to escort me and my cargo through the forest

He tapped the case.

???: there's no telling what kind of bandits or monsters could be lurking in these woods.

Simon: and what exactly IS your "cargo"?

He presented the case to us before undoing the latches and popping it open, revealing the biggest ruby I've ever seen.

He presented the case to us before undoing the latches and popping it open, revealing the biggest ruby I've ever seen

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Layla: woah!

I could tell just from looking at this thing that it was about as big as my palm and probably worth a fortune. The man closed it and put it back under his arm.

???: I'm selling it at an auction to the highest bidder, so you can see why bandits might want it.

Layla: well, you're in luck. I'm Layla, this is Simon and Greige.

???: it's a pleasure. Anyway, let's be on our way.

The man climbed into the carriage and we followed. Greige hopped on top of the carriage while me and Layla just walked along side it.

Greige: you guys just gonna walk...?

Simon: you know what happens when we're on a moving vehicle.

Layla: yeah, I'd rather wake up with sore legs than puke my guts out. Beside, that just means there's more room up there for you.

Greige: ...true.

Greige laid down and just started looking up at the clouds...before he started snoring.

Layla: well, he's out.

After about 2 hours of walking through the forest, all we could hear was the sound of leaves blowing in the breeze, Greige snoring, and the clop of horse hooves as they pulled the carriage.

Layla: hey, can I ask you something?

Simon: sure, go ahead.

Layla: did your dad ever tell you about your grandpa?

Simon: which one?

Layla: oh right, I mean the dragon.

I scratched the back of my head as I tried to remember anything he told me.

Simon: dad always said that Fatalis was super kind and "had a heart as big as his entire body", but he mainly talked how wise he was.

Layla: how so?

Simon: apparently my dad saw him as a teacher on top of being a father. Whenever he would fail Fatalis was alway there to pick him back up and give advice...I guess he tried to be the same way.

Layla: ha, I wish my dad was more like that. He told me Igneel pretty stern, but still tried to encourage him as best he could. Though, it's kind of a surprise learning that a dragon capable of destroying...well, everything showed a kind side.

Simon: well, it's not like my dad is EXACTLY like him. He's still got a short fuse. I'm sure it's the same with Natsu.

Layla: yeah, you got me the-

Layla was then suddenly cut off my the sound of a loud screech ringing through the air.

Layla: ...what was that?

Simon: shhh

It was now dead quiet. The horses pulling the carriage stopped. As we could hear were rustling leaves and Greige's snoring.






The sudden grew much closer and was approaching fast as the creature making it landed in front of us.

The sudden grew much closer and was approaching fast as the creature making it landed in front of us

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Once it landed, another flew over us and knocked over the carriage onto it's side. I quickly turned to Layla.

Simon: protect the carriage, I got this one!

Layla ran over to the monster and pulled pack her fist.


The punch landed in the side of the monsters face, causing it reel back. However, as it stumbled, a figure wearing a strange mask hopped off of it's back and crashed through one of the carriage windows.

I ran over to the monster blocking our path and took out my dagger. I made an attempt to stab it in the head, but was stabbed by a hand grabbing wrist. I looked up and saw another person wearing a similar mask staring at me.

I tried to punch them, but they caught caught my hand with their other hand.

The person just staring at me through the dark holes in the mask, tilting their head side to side.

I pulled my arms back before placing my fist in my hand


A barrage of ice launched towards them but they just smack the away with what looked to be a ritualistic staff.

Just then I heard a sharp whistle as I turned and saw the other figure crawling out of the carriage with the case in his arms and blood on his hands. Layla tried to stopped them, but she was quickly knocked to the ground with a swift kick.

The jumped onto the monsters back as it began to fly upward with the person I was fighting doing the same.

They got a good hundred feeling the air before I yelled...


I launch myself into the air after them and landed on one of the monsters backs, being faced with the person with the case.

I got into a fighting stance before feeling something wack me on the back top of my head, knocking me out.

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