Chapter 5: Missing

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(Y/n)'s POV

After getting back from that quest with Charlotte, which only took about an hour, we were just sat down out a table eating a victory meal. Charlotte let out an annoyed groan before slamming her face down onto the table.


(Y/n): Strawberry, that's just how it goes for wizards like you and me. We get blessed with the power to wipe a whole country off the map, but nobody's ever strong enough to use it on.

Charlotte looked up at me.

Charlotte: have you ever actually destroyed a whole country?

(Y/n): I've destroyed a few cities.

Charlotte: well, so has Natsu. It's really nothing special when your a part of Fairy Tail, it's practically a prerequisite.

(Y/n): no, when I say "destroyed", I mean like completely eradicated!

Charlotte: I'll believe it when I see it.

Suddenly, the doors to the guild hall burst open, revealing Layla and Greige wearing panicked, worried expressions...or about as worries as Greige CAN look.

Layla stumbled into the guild hall, grabbing everybody's attention as she began spouting out complete gibberish. Lucy immediately jumped into action, trying to calm her daughter down enough to at least understand what she was trying to say.

Lucy: sweetheart, calm down, just relax.

Layla seemed to calm down a bit, at least enough for her to clearly tell us what happened. However, what she said next made my heart sink into my stomach.


Simon's POV

???: seriously, what part of your brain had the ridiculous idea of "hey, this guy just tried to stop us from retrieving our tribes most precious artifacts, I SHOULD DEFINITELY BRING HIM BACK WITH ME"?!

???: look, I don't know how to explain it, but there's something strange about him, something I can't put into words.

I was awoken to a set voices just feet away from me. As I began to wake I started to stir, but felt myself restrained by something. This caught the attention of the people near me.

???: aw crap, he's waking up!

???: just be cool, I'll handle it.

As I opened my eyes and lifted up my head I was greeted by a girl with white hair and red eyes sitting down right next to me, and close behind her was a boy with the same traits. I let out a quick scream before looking around. I was in some kind of forest filled with a bunch of palm trees with what looked to be a beach not to far away.

???: woah woah, relax your perfectly safe, we're not gonna hurt you!

The guy standing close by spoke.

???: unless you make us.

The girl turned to him and with a look that just said "really?"Upon closer inspection, I noticed the guy holding my dagger in his hand. He noticed me notice and smiled.

???: ha, good luck getting out of those ropes without this.

The girl then spoke up again.

???: don't worry, we just need to determine you're not a threat.

She smiled at me.

???: I'm Ryuko.

Simon: uh...Simon.

Ryuko: oh, and this lughead that I call a brother behind me is Gojo.


She stood up and began walking to walk away.

Ryuko: I'm gonna go get the elder, you 2 play nice.

She then turned to her brother.

Ryuko: if I come back and find him dead I'll have your head on a pike before sundown.

Gojo: whatever.

She walked out of sight, leaving me and her brother alone.

Gojo: look, just because my sister trusts you doesn't mean I do, until I'm proven wrong, you're here to kill us all, and as long as you're tied up like that, you're at OUR mercy.

To add a bit of flair to his words, he then tried to take my dagger out of its sheath, but no matter how hard he tried and pulled, it just wouldn't budge. I just smiled as I watched him struggles to get it out.

Simon: it's cursed, lughead. I'm the only one in this world who can take that dagger out of its sheath.

Gojo: yeah right, if I just *strain* pull...harder.

Simon: seriously, there's this huge guy I know named Elfman back at my guild, even he couldn't do it.

I just sat there for the next 5 minute smiling as I watched him struggle to get this damn dagger out of its sheath. After that, Ryuko returned with an old woman by her side.

Elder: is this him.

Ryuko: yeah, that's him.

The woman walked over to me before kneeling down and looking into my eyes, for an uncomfortably long time I might add.

Elder: hm...those eyes.

She stood up before turning to the 2 siblings.

Ryuko: well?

Elder: let him go.

Gojo: WHAT?!

Ryuko walked over to try and untie me, but was completely stopped when the ropes restraining me ignited and burst into flames, quickly turning to ash. I just nonchalantly stood up and looked at all of them.

Simon: Can I have my dagger back now?

Gojo just scoffed before handing it to me. Then, in 1 swift motion, I grabbed to handle and yanked it out of the sheath with ease. I saw Gojo's eye begin to twitch.

Simon: just so you know, you're not the first person I've pulled that trick on.

Ryuko: come on, I'll show you the village.

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