Chapter 1: New Assignment

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Upon her arrival in the city of dreams, Judy already knew the Bureau to be the heart of Zootopia, every individual officer inside doing their part to help make the city run, even Clawhouser and speaking of which-

"AH! Hi you two!" Shouted Clawhouser from behind his desk, waving them down like they were soon to be off on a voyage across the sea.

Nick whistled from beside her, "At least he waited until we were in the building this time."

Judy gave a small giggle, that had Nick returning his arm to her shoulder. "At least," She agreed, as they made their way over to their enthusiastic friend.

Now Judy could admit in a totally professional and platonic way that having Nick's arm draped over her in public wasn't as terrible as she sometimes pretended it was, they're partners after all, so why not let everyone in the room know?

Especially that pig warden who would just love to sink her hooves into Nick and was currently watching them with poorly concealed jealousy from over at the water dispensary.

Judy made sure to give her a pointed look, then looked up at Nick to see his reaction, but he didn't seem to notice the heated gaze being directed at them, he just continued forward with his easy grin.

That grin. The grin that almost made her forget about the bad feeling in her gut this morning. So far no one had gotten stuck in dry cement. That had to count for something.

She shuddered, a combination of restlessness and warning dread clawing at her. Nick's grip tightened around her shoulders, and that's all she needed to be brought back to the present.

"It takes you two an awfully long time to cross the Bureau- I mean, I myself am no track star of course.. Which is actually hilarious because I'm a cheetah, you know the animal known for running?! The irony! HAHA! Anywaysss how are my two favorite love bunnies doing?" Clawhouser inquired as he placed his head between his hands, resting his elbows on the desk.

Nick scrunched his nose and replied, "I'm not a bunny."

Judy put a hand over her mouth to stop from snorting, while Clawhouser bursted into tears, slamming his fist against the desk.

Nick looked back and forth between the two of them incredulously, "What?" He asked, defensively.

"Oh, OH!" Cried Clawhouser, slapping Judy on the arm, "Oh he actually doesn't know!"

Now that made Judy lose her composure altogether and she couldn't stop the snorting that escaped her while she struggled to keep her balance. That set off a chain reaction, because then Clawhouser was lying on his back behind the counter sobbing and everyone around them was either giggling or giving annoyed looks.

Nick crossed his arms and looked at Judy unamused.

"Just give me one second," She managed to say in between snorts and giggles, this earned a small, involuntary smile from her partner, which made Clawhouser, who was already struggling to stand, laugh even harder and collapse against his desk. Now both he and Judy were laughing to the point where no sound was audible.

That apparently was Nick's last straw, because he closed his eyes and impatience flicked over his features.

"Okay okay," He started, opening his eyes and raising his hands in a stopping motion, "If you two are done, I would love to know what is so funny."

Judy and Clawhouser, trying to clamp their mouths shut, exchanged a look, and she knew that annoyed tone he was using was enough to undo any composure her or her friend might be holding on to, so she gave him a nod and let her friend explain.

Judy Hopps And Nick Wilde: Loving Carrots Where stories live. Discover now