Chapter 5: Violet Eyes

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Nick's shoulder was really starting to cramp.
Unfortunately he was too afraid to adjust, because there was a very sleepy bunny using him as support.

In the past hour he already tried finding a position more comfortable for the both of them, twice, but Carrots didn't appreciate the idea either times. Apparently she was already perfectly comfortable.

Nick strained his neck to get a better view of her.

That dress.

That dress would be the death of him.

She looked so peaceful now, nothing like this morning.

Nick dropped the whole bowl of batter he was working on when he heard her shrieks. He ran over to her as quickly as he could to find her drenched in sweat and looking to be strangled by invisible hands. Her eyes were squeezed shut but that didn't stop the heavy flow of tears from streaking down her face.

Something deep and instinctual twisted in him at the sight, all he could think about was protecting her, even if it was from her own dreams.

He gently grabbed her wrists and whispered over and over, "It's okay Judy, it's okay, you're going to be okay. I understand, it's okay."

That seemed to work, after a few seconds she settled under his touch and her screams turned to whimpers instead.

He watched her for a while, wiping away her tears and straightening her pillows and blankets, before deciding to wake her.

He took a few deep breaths and steadied himself, coming to the decision to play it off like nothing happened for Judy's sake. If she wanted to talk about it or even remembered what happened he would be ready to listen, but no pushing. Besides, avoidance through humor was his speciality.

Carrots seemed to understand that all too well after she gave up on questioning him that morning. How was he supposed to tell her that he didn't wake up early, he just didn't sleep at all.

And why? Might she ask, well because he was busy getting advice from a con artist, ordering "gentlemen" clothes from Mr. Big and struggling to make pancakes.

No he would most certainly not be telling her how many batches he had to go through before they were somewhat edible. Or how many "for beginners" tutorials he had to search up.

It was all worth it though, to see the look on her face when she emerged from the bathroom. That was a memory Nick felt so lucky to hold,
even if she did end up using his hard work to begin a food fight.

Judy really is something else, she just has this light about her that makes anyone near feel all warm and fuzzy, especially him.

He laughs a little to himself remembering the polar bear that dropped off his new wardrobe this morning. The first thing the mammal asked was, "Where is the funny rabbit?"

Nick might be the charmer, but only Judy could win over a crime lord and his employees.

Suddenly his surroundings grow very dark, he looks around to see they are passing through the rainforest terrain. Rain splatters against the windows of the train. The last time he'd been here he was helping with the case that changed his life.

Judy Hopps And Nick Wilde: Loving Carrots Where stories live. Discover now