Chapter 4: Green Eyes

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"I am disappointed in you Judy."

Judy squinted her eyes in the darkness trying to make out the silhouette before her.

A spot light turned on illuminating some of her bleak surroundings and the mysterious figure that spoke before.

It was her mom. But it also wasn't. The joy that normally lit up her face was replaced by pure hate.

"How could you ever love that fox?" She spat out in disgust.

"No mom I-"

But the spotlight turned off before Judy could finish.

Once again she was enveloped in pitch black darkness. The space around her was suffocating, but somehow also felt too big, like she would get lost if she moved even a muscle.

Closing her eyes, she told herself to breathe. She tried to imagine she was like a balloon in a happy little mammal's hand, tethered to the ground by their delight.

That didn't last long, her eyes were forced open and she was met with a full length mirror standing before her.

She examined her terrified eyes and trembling body, she looked a lot like-


The word appeared written in blood on the mirror right above her ears, like it knew what she was thinking.

She leaned in to study the word when she noticed an orange blur in the reflection, right above her shoulder. Now inspecting that, she gasped and spun around.

A few feet away from her was her Nick, except it wasn't, much like her mother; his features were also twisted in hate and rage. He was down on all fours snarling at her and baring his fangs.

If she was the prey in this scenario then she could only guess what Nick was supposed to be.

But it's Nick, he would never hurt her. Deciding to push her luck she took a few tentative steps toward him. It seemed that the closer she got the more docile he became.

Until she stopped right in front of him reaching a hand out, suddenly he didn't look so docile anymore, he looked..afraid.

He started whimpering and hurried to retreat to the shadows, as if they were less frightening than what was right before him.

But what could have scared him off? Was there something right behind her?

That thought had her spinning around so fast she almost collided with the mirror that was now mere inches from her face.

Judy had to also take a step back in fear, because the image she was met with was all wrong.
Her eyes were blackened slits, she had fangs that were dripping with what looked like blood, and her fur all stood up looking electrified.

No no no no no, she repeated in her head.
Above her eyes now was the word-


Her hands started to feel heavy, she lifted them up to reveal long sharpened claws.

Then it hit her, this hunger that was unlike anything she's ever felt.

It was so forceful she was brought to her knees. In that moment she could have devoured herself if possible.

Crying out in self disgust she slammed her fists to the ground, what she wasn't expecting was a splash of something wet in response.

Judy Hopps And Nick Wilde: Loving Carrots Where stories live. Discover now