Chapter 2: Time To Have a Talk

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Judy, sitting on her bed with the unopened case files lying before her, let out a sigh. Frustrated with herself for not being able to look them over yet, she walked to the bathroom, rubbing at her tired eyes. Hands on either side of the sink she leaned forward to look at her reflection.

This morning it was like she had a limitless amount of energy, but now she just felt exhausted. Receiving bad news can do that to you, she supposed.

She knew something was wrong. She knew. So why didn't she trust her instincts? After all it was those very instincts that helped her save 15 missing mammals so long ago. She supposed Nick did help a little too.

Nick. He tried to cheer her up the whole walk home from the Bureau, but she was too lost in her own thoughts to pay any attention. Now he was out getting them dinner. She would have to apologize when he got back.

Nick would have told her to trust her instincts, if she only opened up to him, instead of trying to bury her feelings. She had been doing a lot of that lately.

Her phone buzzed from where she left it on her bed. Practically sprinting to get there, she picked it up in hopes of it being her parents.

She felt so selfish not answering the phone earlier that morning.

As soon as Nick dropped her off at the apartment to go get dinner, she had been continuously trying to call them nonstop for the past hour, but kept getting left with their voicemail.

Unlocking her phone she looked at the text that read:

Fru Fru

Fru Fru: Hiiiii Judy!! Remember our shopping trip a few days ago? Well a little birdy told me (My daddy haha!) That soon you would be leaving to go on another case and you know of course I think you look dazzling in that fancy cop uniform, but I also thought it wouldn't hurt to have a few extra things! I hope you enjoy! I know your partner will ;)

P.s If you hear very loud stomping and crashing that is just one of my daddy's polar bears dropping off your gift!

PPS. I wish I could have been there to send you off, but with little Judy being born everything is kind of crazy! Sending all my love and good luck <3

How sweet of her, Judy thought, even as a little disappointment and fear ebbed at her.

A few days ago Fru Fru invited her shopping, promising to get Judy a dress that, to quote her exact words- "That will leave your partner shaking!"

However the trip was cut very short as little Judy decided she was ready to be born at that moment.

Judy smiled at that, how wonderful it must be, to first get married to your best friend and then soon after start a family together. She wondered if that was something she herself could ever imagine doing, if her lifestyle would even allow time for a family.


Judy jumped at the loudest knocking her long ears had ever heard. She knew if Bucky and Pronk were home that would not have gone over so well.

Judy, very tentatively, opened the door to reveal a massive polar bear, whose face she couldn't even see from where she was standing in the doorway. He took a step back allowing her space to step through the door so she could take in his full towering form.

He was wearing a very clean black suit accented with a velvet tie. And Judy could admit he cleaned up very nicely. His attire contrasting greatly to her carrot covered pajamas.

"Ahem," He began as he fished in his pocket for something, "I have something for you." He pulled out a package that was large for Judy, but looked very small in his hands.

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