Doctor Robert

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The next day was even more wild than the day before.

Emma had been nice enough to let me stay in her apartment that she used to share with Paul. It had been Brian's idea, claiming that it would make sense for me to stay with her since I was going to become "the new Paul" and we might as well get to know each other.

I wondered how this girl Emma was adjusting to things. All this had happened in such a short amount of time, and it was a lot to take in. Especially for a girl who had just lost her boyfriend and now had to pretend she was dating his replacement.

She woke me up early the next morning. "C'mon, William. We have a lot to do today. Brian wants us to meet him in an hour."

I rolled over in bed and got to my feet. I was having a hard time adjusting to all this myself. I mean, going from a nobody to the next Paul McCartney practically overnight isn't exactly something you see every day. What if we couldn't pull it off? What if people knew I wasn't really him?

Emma popped her head back into the doorway, interrupting my thoughts. "William, please hurry. We have to go. The cab is waiting for us outside."

I sat back down on the bed, embarrassed. "Just give me a minute, I'll be ready." She nodded her head and turned to leave.

"Oh, and Emma?"

She turned back to face me, curiosity dancing in her eyes.

"You can call me Billy."

She slowly smiled warmly at me and walked out of the room without another word.

Even though she couldn't see me anymore, I smiled back and went over to my suitcase to find something to wear. I threw on the first t-shirt and pair of jeans I saw and made my way out of the room to join Emma.

"Ready to go?" she asked, wrapping her coat around her. The November weather was becoming more brutal by the day. I nodded.

"Yeah, let's go."

We walked together out of the hotel and into the taxi that was waiting for us at the entrance. Settling in the backseat, we drove off.

"Where are we going, exactly?" I asked Emma, more in an attempt to break the awkward silence than out of curiosity. She shrugged. "I don't really know, all Brian gave me was an address and told me to have you there by eight."

I silently nodded and turned my attention out the window instead. I didn't know what exactly Brian had in mind in terms of me and Emma, but either way I figured it was a good thing that we seemed to get along well enough. I still couldn't believe the position that I was in. It felt like a dream that I was going to wake up from any second, or maybe it was a nightmare. I couldn't tell yet.

"Here we are, folks," the taxi driver said, catching the attention of both me and Emma. She paid him and we both got out of the cab only to find ourselves facing the front doors of a hospital. I gulped. What the hell did Brian have in store for me today?

Walking inside, we saw yours truly standing at the front desk.

"It's about time you two showed up!" he huffed, marching over in our direction. "William, follow me. Your first appointment starts in five minutes. Emma, you can wait out in the waiting room with the rest of the boys." My eyes widened. "First appointment?"

Brian waved his hand as if he were swatting a bug out of the air. "I have no time to explain. We have to hurry or they'll cancel on us!"

We all quickly walked over to the elevator and took the short ride up to the fifth floor where we found John, George and Ringo pacing around.

"It's about time!" Ringo said, arms crossed. I was a bit taken aback; they all looked they had aged five years in one night. Emma must have noticed, too.

"Are you guys okay? You look sick or something."

Everyone suddenly got shy, turning away from her. Only John answered. "I had some...weird dreams last night. It was hard for me to sleep." The other boys nodded in agreement. At first she looked confused, but then her eyes went wide. Before I could ask John what he meant, Brian pulled me away and led me to a different room.

"Here, they gave me this to give to you to put on. Hurry now, and lay on the table. The doctor will be in any minute." With that, he left.

I gulped at the hospital gown in my hands, trembling as I began to undress and put it on. Only seconds after I had changed and seated myself on the table, a man that could only be the doctor came into the room.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Henderson, but you can just call me Doctor Robert." He held out his hand to me and I shook it. He let out a light chuckle when he noticed my hands were shaking. "Nervous, are we? Don't worry, the procedures you'll be getting today are very simple, there's nothing to it."

I looked at him with wide eyes. "Er, yes, Doctor Robert...what procedures am I getting done, exactly?"

He examined his clipboard, flipping through the pages a few times before answering. "Hm, let's see...Nose job, a slight lift of the cheeks, and some minor jawline work." I swallowed hard, and he let out another laugh. "No need to worry, it will be quick and painless. Are we ready to begin?"

I looked around nervously before answering. "Uhh, I guess so?"

He stood up and walked over to me, adjusting the needle he was going to use to administer the anesthesia. "Now, this won't hurt a bit," he said, and that was the last thing I remembered.


I could see the light through my eyelids, the first thing I remember seeing when I regained conciousness. The anesthesia had worn of in the aspect that I was awake, but I was feeling very woozy. I quickly opened my eyes in hopes that the dizziness would go away, only to find myself surrounded by Brian, Emma, John, George and Ringo. I let out a cry of surprise, and John hooted.

"He's awake!"

Before anything else could be said, Doctor Robert came into the room. "Ah, indeed he is," he said, coming over to me. "And luckily he was out long enough for the work I did to really settle, so the bandages can come off now." He slowly unwrapped the wraps that covered most of my face.

Everyone was suddenly looking at me with wide eyes and open mouths. Even Brian, for once, was speechless.

"...Wow," Emma finally said, breaking the silence. "You look exactly like him."

Everyone slowly nodded their heads in agreement, still in too much of a shock to say anything. My hand flew up to my face as I felt around. For the most part I felt the same, but I was also all drugged up, so who knows?

"I guess we ought to start callin' you Paul now, huh?" George said, a slight smirk on his face. I mustered a smile and I had to think for a moment before I could find the words to speak.

"I s'pose so."

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