i miss you

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it had been a week since dream had come to his little plan. it was starting to work? he had gotten more distractions, and done a lot of things he hadn't done when he was hanging out with george. everything was fine for him, but what about george?

george had been 'relived', but a part of him was a little disappointed. he didn't know why but he had missed the annoying blonde.

no texts, no calls, no invitation to anywhere, not even a hello or good morning. he had missed those things, but he decided to live on with his life.


"good morning class!" ms. puffy says with a bright smile. "i have graded all of your projects, and i want you guys to come and collect your grade please."

"oh great." dream mumbled, he had completely forgotten about this project, the thing that started this all.

the blonde decided to get up, to get the project. maybe that wasn't the best option, seeing as george also got up.

they both made eye contact for a few seconds, but dream was the first to break it. he sat back down, afraid of the brit.

dream felt a little devastated, but just tried to pay attention to anything else.

george on the other hand, could feel butterflies in his stomach. he didn't feel sad, he felt glad. he felt glad he got to make eye contact with dream, even for a second.

the brunette could be dramatic sometimes, but was he even dramatic right now? he didn't know how he felt about dream. didn't he hate him?

everything was so hard for them, it was so hard to deny feelings or even make them go away, it's practically impossible

but dream, dream doesn't give up, no matter the circumstances.

but george, george holds grudges. even though he grew attached to dream he hadn't forgotten about everything he did to him. can one person even get 'revenge', while the other is trying to get rid of feelings? hm.


lunch time, the time he finally got to talk to his friends.

"george! so, are you coming to tonight's party?" quackity asks with a smile.

the party. a party?


"oh, um i actually have to do some chores after school." george says quietly.

dream was making george's life miserable, as if he wasn't already. all george could think about all day was dream, why did he let himself get attached like that?! why was he so stupid to do something like that? but in the end, it wouldn't matter if george and dream were on good terms, george was going to get him back.

"damn! what a bummer." quackity whined, biting into his apple.

"george, you look down. are you okay?" karl asks, genuinely worried.

"karl, i'm fine. i just had a bad sleep this night." george says with a chuckle.

he wasn't really lying.

"oh i'm sorry. just make sure to get good rest okay?"

"yeah alright, thanks."

maybe he should go to this party. or not? why does he (george) make things so complicated?

"george! did you hear the news?" quackity said, twirling his half bitten apple on his finger.

that got george's attention. "huh? no, what is it?"

"dream got a girlfriend, it's all over the school. how did you not know dude!"

something in george enlightened. something.. a negative feeling.

he can feel his anger start to raise, and his palms start to shake. (grr)


"dream got a girlfriend, it's this super hot chick."

"quackity!" karl says, hitting his shoulder playfully.

"i'm kidding, but seriously. he got this girlfriend and she's super popular now."

super popular huh?

"what's her name?" george asks, looking down.


what a nasty name.   (to all my charlottes, ily)

"oh really? what a nice name!"

'that's the ugliest fucking name iv ever heard.  (all of these are george's thoughts, charlotte is a very beautiful name <3)

"yup! she's also really pretty." karl says, leaning his head onto quackity's shoulder.

she's probably ugly as hell.

"oh really? can i see a picture of her?" george says with a 'smile'.

"yeah sure, i follow her on instagram so i'll look for a picture." karl says, grabbing his phone and unlocking it.

"sounds good!"

"oh here you go!" karl says, giving his phone to george.

"she has, white hair?"

old lady.

"yeah! it looks so sick dude." quackity says.

it looks hideous.

"no yeah! it looks, super pretty." george says, with a small little laugh.

grey eyes too? she looks like a ghost. (boo)

"well, that's nice." george says, handing the phone back to karl.


george had sighed to himself. why did he miss dream. what did this boy do to george.

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