hello summertime I'm so glad that your here to celebrate summer with us this year,
hello summertime your my favorite time of year to go outside and enjoy the sunshine while reading a good book on this beautiful day,
hello summertime I'm so happy that I get to see my friends in the summertime this year,
hello summertime I'm so happy that I get to have ice cream 🍦 during the summertime and go swimming in the beautiful beachfront waters,
hello summertime your so hot like the sun and I enjoy watching the sunshine peeking out through the clouds because it's so beautiful to watch during the summertime,
hello summertime your so mysterious with your beautiful reflection of the waters while your on the beach,
hello summertime I enjoy watching your beautiful sunsets at the end of the day it's so awesome to watch during the summertime,
hello summertime I'm so happy that it's summertime this year because I get to enjoy being outdoors and walk around the beach with my dogs 🐶 🐶 this summertime,
hello summertime I'm definitely going to enjoy taking pictures during the summertime because I'm a photographer and I enjoy nature photography the most during the summertime, 📱
hello summertime poems
PoetryI'll be writing some fun summertime poems for the whole month of June, July, and August, so stay tuned for more summertime poems