Chapter 2

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"Welcome back, dear." I heard Constance's voice from where I was.

A part of me wanted to run to the front door and at least say hello to Billie Dean Howard so that she would know of my existence, but another part of me wanted to hide from her because I knew that I could not formulate even two words having such a divine woman in front of me.

Luckily, Violet was maybe used to Billie's visits, since she didn't even react to her voice, not even a comment, nothing. That was a good thing, I didn't want her to force me to come down to meet her even though deep down I would have liked her to do it.

"We should close the door, to better hear the movie." I suggested, and she nodded, I was about to close it but...

"Oh, there you are. Come on, I want to introduce you to an old friend." Constance, told me, in the middle of the stairs.

Being dead was a blessing and a curse at the same time, I knew that I would go crazy if I were not able to feel anything, not even the emotions that so characterized living beings and apparently the dead as well... but the amount of nerves and panic that I was feeling at the time, I wish I didn't feel them at all. What was the worst that was going to happen?

"Constance, I'm actually watching a movie with Violet..." I tried to reject her.

"Nonsense! There is no room for excuses here." She took my wrist and guided me down, somehow reminding me of the old ladies I used to have as babysitters when I was little, somewhat rough and with a heart of stone.

"Constance, you didn't have to force the poor girl to meet me." They were Billie's first words when she saw me for the first time.

She scanned me from top to bottom as she held her cigarette with exceptional grace.

I was speechless, I had a beautiful woman in front of me, and she was my biggest celebrity crush, but in person she was so different, I felt as if all my senses would explode with so much admiration. She was perfect, really.

"You have the right to know her, I think she is one of the few decent presences we have in this house." Constance justified, letting go of my wrist, she left some marks in that area and it hurt, there were things that I still had trouble understanding.

Why did it feel like I was alive but quarantined? I thought that being dead would mean saying goodbye to all kinds of human sensations, but if I hadn't been told, I would still believe that I was alive.

"Poor sweet little girl, you were so young, and you had to be condemned to hell in this place." Billie told me, approaching me little by little. "My name is Billie Dean Howard." She introduced herself, holding out her hand to me.

I gulped, I wanted to tell her everything, tell her how I had arrived the day before, at 1:00 a.m which I had spent sleeping after seven hours on a plane with my ears numb and my ass hurting like hell. I was looking forward to starting a new life in Los Angeles with a new job that would elevate my career considerably, maybe adopt a kitten, travel a lot, and fall in love with someone. I was sure she would understand, she already understood.

Nothing came out of my mouth, not even a "hello", it was pathetic.

I held out my hand to her and I can swear I felt everything, even more than I would have felt while alive. It gave me chills, the touch of her hand was heavenly.

"Cat's got your tongue?" Constance scoffed. "Not long ago, you and Violet couldn't stop talking, it was hours and hours of chit-chat between you two. And now you can't even say your name to our dear Billie?"

I liked Constance, I met her that same day but I could figure out that she was somewhat poisonous and rude. I thought it was best to go along with her to be at peace, and the least I wanted was to make enemies.

"Constance, it's okay." Countered Billie, who was still holding my hand, I was aware of it and did not think to release it, it was the least I could do.

"My name is (Y/N), and of course I know who you are, it's my pleasure, medium to the stars." It took a lot of effort to sound firm, and confident, but I did it.

Billie gave me a wide smile, and I felt like I was going to pass out, what a beautiful smile. She was gorgeous.

"Well, I'm glad you know me a little, but I want to get to know you. May I make you a cup of tea?" She asked me kindly.

Yes! Yes! Yes! How in the world could I turn down such an offer? Yes of course!

"Yes, let me ask Violet if she wants to join us." I replied.

"Oh, I was hoping... just the two of us."

Much better!

"Sorry, I thought... never mind, let's go." I nodded quickly and Constance just walked up the stairs.

We both headed towards the kitchen, I found a red-haired maid cleaning the kitchen counter, and I didn't understand why, of all the things she could do while being dead, she would choose to clean the house? Well, I was not the one to question it, I was sure it was only a matter of time before I went into despair and maybe found entertainment in extremely boring things.

"Good night, Moira, please rest." She greeted her.

I didn't know if it was because Billie was so familiar with that house that she could see everyone even if they didn't want to, or just, everyone loved her and allowed her to see them. I knew deep down in my soul that I wanted her to see me. As much as I would have tried to prevent it, I was glad Constance dragged me to her.

I don't even know how long this story will be, but enjoy. I'm in love with Billie Dean Howard too and she's so underrated.

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