Chapter 12

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"Another victim of the Murder House! This makes her the 36th victim of that place."

"Billie Dean Howard was seen with a mysterious girl hanging out on Halloween."

"Billie Dean Howard's mysterious girlfriend was found dead at the Murder House!"

Those were some news to wake up to.

I knew that hearing new voices in the house would not mean anything good, nor would it be to see how afterwards all my belongings were taken and how someone came to clean up the house right after, perhaps to sell it as if nothing had happened, although I doubt that anyone would want to buy it.

Luckily, I managed to hide my cell phone and my computer under the mattress, I did not know what I would do if they took those away.

I had no idea what happened to my body, I had a little intuition, that by taking my body out of the place, I could also get out, but that's not the point. It's about the moment I died, it was in that house. So I only had to hope to have a dignified farewell.

I seriously longed to be able to transcend, and go through whatever happens after death, what is supposed to happen if I didn't die in a cursed place. That way, I wouldn't be suffering being locked up, with people I barely knew and... having to get that willpower to get away from Billie.

"Honey, is everything okay?" I heard Moira's voice behind me.

I must admit that I liked the names given to me by the older inhabitants of this house. Violet and me were treated like children, and I understood why they saw us as innocent and vulnerable souls. We had a lot left to live.

"Yes, it makes me sad to see how they took everything from me but I don't blame them, they don't know what happened to me." I answered.

"I would like to comfort you with words of encouragement, but I don't find anything positive about being in this place either." She declared, with melancholy in her voice.

Poor Moira, she deserved more than everyone to get out of that place, because she was probably the one who was suffering the most. She couldn't be reunited with her mother and on top of it all, Constance wasn't much of a help in making her eternity here a little less gruesome.

"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me anything you don't feel." I comforted her.

"(Y/N)?!?! Baby! My love! Where are you?" I heard that familiar voice.

During the days that Billie had been coming to the house, I often had the desire to be able to talk to her for hours, kiss her luscious lips, and simply enjoy her presence. I thought that I could continue talking to her, just like the beginning without further actions, but each time, the feeling grew and I was afraid that it was something mutual, I could not allow that to happen.

So I learned to hide from her, convince myself that I didn't want to see her, and it eventually worked. I realized that even Medium To The Stars needed consent from the ghosts to see them, no matter how familiar she was with the place.

"I am in the kitchen." I told her, I needed her in that moment, I wasn't feeling good at all.

"Oh, there you are, sweetheart!" She ran to me to hug me tightly. I could feel her addictive smell, so sweet. "I came here as soon as I read the articles, I thought you were going to hide like you have been during these days... but never mind, do you need anything?"

I needed my life back. I missed the simple things, like going for a walk, driving my car, going to work, visiting my parents or the few friends I had, I took so many things for granted without knowing that one day I would desperately need them.

"I'm fine, Billie." But we both knew that was a lie.

I noticed that she had a paper bag in her hand as soon as she released me, she saw my inquisitive look and let out a smile.

"For the bitter moment, I brought you something sweet." She explained. "I stopped by the restaurant we went to on Halloween and bought some of the cupcakes you liked."

Why did she have to make this whole situation more difficult? I didn't deserve her! After avoiding her for so long, I was present in her mind!

"Thank you very much, and thank you for visiting me." I told her, taking one of the cupcakes out of the bag, handing her one.

"It's nothing, I know something has been happening with you but no matter what, I will always be there for you." She took my hand and kissed it.

Those words felt like a thousand stabs to the heart. She was the loveliest person that has ever set a foot on this world and she didn't have to waste her time with someone who wouldn't give her everything she deserved.

I couldn't say anything, I couldn't think of anything logical to answer, I didn't want the dream to end, I didn't want to go back to the present, but I shouldn't... I couldn't do this. I couldn't live in this dream no matter how much I wanted to.

Although it hurt, I lowered my gaze and little by little I let go of her hand.

"I-I have to go." I mumbled.

"Where?" She chuckled, for there I was making up a dumb excuse to get away from her. She was no fool, she knew what I was doing.

"I need to call my parents, hoping they understand my situation. I need to do it before I run out of data." It was half true, I loved my parents but they were such squares, they would probably believe that I recorded a prank or something like that. Well, they knew me, they knew that not even dead I would stop making jokes but I wasn't in the mood of jokes, for my death was way different than I've imagined it.

"No! I will lend you my phone or I will buy Wi-Fi for this fucking house but stop avoiding me!" She yelled, and even she was surprised after listening to herself.

"I-I can't do this to you..." I simply responded, but before she could answer, I got out of the kitchen and hid in a corner.

It hurt me so much to see her breaking that glass against the wall, to see her cry desperately. I saw her breaking down and it felt horrible.

I just hoped that eventually, she would understand that it was for her own good.

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