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As I was pulling in the driveway I heard kaja yelling "MOVE AND ILL KILL BOTH OF YOU HOES. TRY ME!!!"

I ran into house with Ivan behind. As soon as we walked in there was glass, pictures, and clothes everywhere.

I turned to look at Ivan and he was looking around mad lost like me

" PUT THE FUCKING GUN DOWN YO" I heard a male voice yell making me rush up the stairs

As soon as I got into the room I felt all the blood rush from my face and my eyes turned black

"Wtf going on" Ivan asked standing next to me

"I came home from work and seen theses two mf in MY bed fucking" kaja said still holding a gun to my soon to be wife and her bitch ass nigga

"Kaja baby listen to me think about our kids and how far you come don't let me bitch ass nigga make you throw all that away over him. Give me the gun baby please we need you" I calmly told her

She looked from them to me with tears rushing down her face ass I reached for the gun

She shook her head but slowly handed me the and rushing into my arms finally breaking down

"It's okay baby girl I gotcha okay?"

I looked at Ivan who still stood there stocked at what just happened

"Listen baby go with Ivan for a second. Ivan take her to the kitchen. I'll be right there" I told she looked at me for a second before going to Ivan and going downstairs

When they left the room I looked over to my soon to be wife and this nigga kaja picked over me

"Look baby it was a mistake I swe-" before she could even finish her sentence I hit her with the butt of the gun making her pass out immediately

Then I turned to him "now you bitch. Chin up fist out" was all I said before I went to rocking his shit

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2022 ⏰

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