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I didn't know what to say or do as Kaja sat in-front looking so beautiful.

I could tell she had changed a lot she no longer look like that shy little girl she was now a full blown women and I couldn't take my eyes off of her

"Can you stop staring at me like that?" I heard say with a smug on her face

"My bad I just haven't seen you in so long"

"And who's fault is that?" She reply with a eye brow up

Note to self mouth has got smart

"Look I know I should have came around when I got my shit together but it never seem like the right time you know it's like you was living your life and our daug-"

"Was growing up without a father all because you couldn't make the time i been raising her by myself with my boyfriend for 5 years she don't know you" I didn't know what to say cause I know she was right and I could tell you the look on her face that i hurt her deep

"You don't think I know that I want to be apart of her life and I want her to meet her brother" I could tell by the look on her face that shit was about to go left

"What the hell you mean brother? You mean to tell me you got- *laughs* I'm not even bout to waste my time" then she stood up

"Wait you gone let me see her or not" I asked as she started to walk off

"I'll set something up" and with that she walked off

I sat down in my chair watching her walk away that's when it finally hit me I changed Kaja & not in a good way

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