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"So?" Luke asked walking into our bedroom we shared with just a towel on

I bit my lip looking at his body "so what baby?" I asked him while getting out the bed in walking to him slowly starting to rub my hand down his body until he stopped me

"Why he was here?" I rolled my eyes snatching my hands out of his

"What you mean he dropped the kids off I told you I was getting them this weekend since I canceled like 3 times already" I explained to him getting irritated cause I know where this is going

"But I told you I don't want him around when I'm not around I don't trust him" I rolled my eyes being that he done told me this like 100 times since he met Calvin cause he swear he still love me

"And I told you that you should trust me enough to know I wouldn't do you like besides I only got eyes for you" he instantly started smiling in pulling me into him by my waist

"Is that so?" I smile nodding my head while throwing my hands around his neck

"I love you man" he spoke looking deep into my eyes to me it seem like he's hiding something sometimes by insecure he be acting

"You better" I said kissing his lips to my which turn into a full make out section that lead him to back me up into the wall he slow picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist

"Mhm" I moan lightly in his ear as he attack my neck

Just as he was about to drop his towel there was a knock at the door

"Ugh what is it" I yelled

"Mommy we hungry" i rolled my eyes telling Luke to put me down

"What?" He asked looking confused

"Boy put me down my kids hungry" I told him

"Man I'm hungry to baby" he said  licking his lips

I laugh then hit his shoulder "boy bye" as he put me down he smack my butt I just shook my head and kept on walking to feed my kids

******IVAN POV*****

"Hey man what you been up to?" I asked Calvin as I dapped him up

"Shit man just been chilling really"

"That's what's up bruh"

See I know me and Calvin been thru a lot but Shid he always been my bruh so we decided to let the past be the past in move on

"So where the kids at?" I asked while picking up some shoes I been wanting

"Oh they with they ma" when he said that I snap my head in his direction to fast

"I know you anit send them to that crazy bitch house"

"Man hell Nawl I'm talking about Kaja man" when he said her name I don't know for some reason it made me funny on the inside

"Oh how she been?" I anit seen kaja since she moved away with the baby while she was pregnant and that's still hard for me to live with sometimes knowing I'm letting my selfishness get in the way of being a father to my baby girl

"She good man" he responded with in eye brow up being that this my first ever asking about her

"What about baby girl"

"Man she look just like you bruh but got kaja hair and eyes" i smiles hearing that

"I want to meet her man"

"You should bruh she ask kaja about you all the time and ask why you not around you already missed so much" I bit my lip thinking

"Honestly man I'm just scared of how she would react to me like what if she think I don't love her or she hate me man" I express to him while taking a seat

"Well bruh that's just a risk you have to take"


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