Chapter 1: sleepy head

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An: (Obviously im not a very good writer, dont expect this story to be good lol i made it because im bored and have nothing better to do😧 also the italics are tals thoughts just in case.)

"Ah fuck!"

Tal shot up from his bed. The time was 8:45.

"I can't be late for school again!" he shouted.

Today was Tal's first day at a new school, usually he would've been there at 8:15 but he had messed up his sleep schedule over the summer and couldn't seem to get the hang of waking up early. He picked up a random hoodie off the ground and slipped it on. Then he quickly brushed his teeth, ignoring his bleeding gums, and styled his hair to perfection. He grabbed his backpack and darted out the door, skipping breakfast to save time.

Tal arrived to school out of breath from running. The front yard of the school was empty, everyone was already in their classes.

"Damn it," he groaned. "I dont even know where my classroom is."

He dashed through the halls, trying to find what room was for english class. But suddenly, he slammed into something and fell to the ground.


Tal looked up from where he had landed and saw a tall fox boy staring back at him with angry eyes.

"Watch where you're going blind ass!" he hissed.

"Oh... Im-im so so sorry.." Tal stammered.

"You better fucking be! I swear if you ever try to pull shit like that im going to make your life a living hell! You hear me?!?"

"Yes, im sorry."

"Good, now fuck off!"

The fox boy stormed away into the front yard, leaving Tal alone on the ground.

"Holy shit whats with that guy?" Tal said as he got up from the dusty floor.

To be honest, hes kind of... Cute..
no, no! Not the time! He made me late for my classes and threatened me! Thats not cute at all!

Finally, Tal had found the room for his english class. He was seated beside a girl named Candice, maybe he could befrend her so he's not alone on his first day. She seems nice.

"Heyy!!" someone whispered towards Tal.


Candice was leaning towards Tal, waving with a smile on her face.

"Oh, hey!!" he smiled back.

"You're the new kid right? I heard there was a new student attending this school."

"Yup! Thats me."

"Oh cool! My name's Candice if you didn't read the tag on my desk." she giggled. "Whats your name?"

"Oh my name's Tal. Nice to meet you Candice! "

"Would you like me to show you around the school during lunch?" Candice asked. "I can also introduce you to some of my friends."

"Okay thanks! Should I meet you at the cafeteria?" tal suggested.

"Yeah that would be good. See you there!"

Good job Tal, you made a friend. Lets hope she can stand up for you if that boy bothers you again.

... Hes still pretty cute though
Oh shit.
Am I gay for the fox dude?
No, fuck. Its too early for this!!
No, no, no, no, NO!!!!
i need to leave right now...!.

Tal grabbed his bag and left the classroom. He needed to get some fresh air so he can process whats going on. He made his way to the back of the school.

Are you fucking kidding me????

Tal froze when he saw someone leaning against the wall of the school.

Damn it! Is that the fox dude?

But when he stared longer, he saw that it was in fact fox boy... And a girl??


The girl was short and had long hair. She was very pretty. Not Tal's type though. She was getting very close with fox boy.... Too close.
She hugged fox boy tightly, and was giggling alot. She even called him pet names like babe, bae, bubs.

Are they... Are they dating...?

At that moment, Tal felt his heart shatter into peices. He wasn't supposed to feel like this. He only met the boy today and in the worst way possible, but he still felt hurt. But be expected it. He knew that even if something happened between them, it wouldn't last long. He looked away from the scene and tried to prevent himself from breaking down, but his tears were starting to sting the corners of his eyes. At that point he couldn't hold it in anymore, and burst into tears.

"Hey uh. You good over there?"

Uh oh.

Tal didnt have to look to know that fox boy was standing in front of him.

"Hey.. I know we had a bad interaction back there but im sorry, i didn't think it would hurt you that much." fox boy apologized.

"No, no, its not that.  I accept your apology but its not the reason why im so upset." tal choked through tears.

"Then why are you crying?"

"... Its... Its personal.."

"I see. Come on," Fox boy says, holding his hand towards Tal. "Lets go get something to eat."

"But what about school?" tal whispers.

"Who gives a shit? Youll catch up soon. Lets go."

"... Okay" tal grabs the boy's hand and gets pulled up from the ground.

... Maybe hes not so bad after all...

The two boys enter the cafe, Tal orders a iced coffee and a croissant, while the boy orders lemon tea and a cookie. They sit down at one of the tables and talk for a while.

"you were in a rush this morning." the boy chuckled. "what happened?"

"oh um..I kinda slept in." tal said, smiling a bit.

"i've barely known you but i can 100% confirm that is something you would totally do." the boy giggled.

Tal looked at the time. "Fuck!"

"What happened?"

"i told Candice I would meet her at the cafeteria at lunch! Lunch starts in a minute i'm  going to be late! " Tal exclaimed.

"Why don't you take the bus? Its a 5 minute drive from here." the boy asked

"I can't! I don't have enough money with me!!"

"Here," the fox boy said, handing a few dollars towards Tal. "Take it, you don't have to owe me."

"Oh.. Thank you so much!"

"This doesn't make us friends though...!" the boy stammered.

"Sure," Tal smirked.

"By the way, i didn't catch your name."

"Im Tal ."

"Im nick. Ill see you later okay?"

"Okay see you!"

.... Nick.

~Love wins~ (nickwilde x tal fishman)/CRACK FIC ‼️‼️‼️Where stories live. Discover now