Chapter 1

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Book 1-

Death Wolf Saga: Book 1: The beginning

Book 2 -

Death Wolf : Book 2 The Rise of Death


"Locked under the magic of witchcraft is a wolf strongest known to exist.

With eyes red as blood and fur dark as night, he was a sight no one remained alive to describe.

Many have tried bringing it to life,but failed giving away their lives.

Untill an innocent girl comes sealing her and the fate of entire mankind

The girl named Thora Valentine"


7:15 am
Bloodmoon pack grounds

A girl lays on the cold freezing ground.
Her breath coming out heavy as she tries to move.

Her muscles sore with the punishment,lips cracked and dried.

She pulls on her arms to hear the cranking of steel chains tied around her hands and legs,sighing she leaves the struggles ,once again.

12 hours 42 minutes

The exact time she has been tied here,to serve her punishment ordered by the Alpha.
And this was not the first time anyways.

She was used to the treatment till now.
After all she was just a weak Omega in the strongest pack in the world.

This was inevitable.

She was thirsty. And her senses were playing games with her.
She gulped and tries to moisten her lips ,but they only aggravated it.

"What a shame Thora. Had you accepted my offer, you would have been enjoying the luxury of my mattress right now"

A voice speaks from behind her and she already knew who it was.
Her punisher,her tormentor, her Alpha

She refuses to reply,let alone look at him and this didn't settle well with him.

Placing a bottle of water in front of her,he crouches at her level.
A evil smirk present on his lips.

"Thirsty princess? Here ,have it"

She knew better, nothing comes for free.
Nothing except pain and sufferings.

He studied her dropping brown eyes and trembling body.
The thought of her being helpless and completely at his mercy, exciting him.

Opening the cap,he gulps the liquid to only leave a sip in the end.
Moving the brim to her lips,her urges her to take it.

She bites her lip,looking up at him and her beautiful brown eyes lock on him.
Defiance and confidence.

So much broken ,yet so much still to break.
Ruined,but only partially.
Used but not surrendered.

"Stuck it up your asshole!"

Her words surprise him ,and he chuckles getting up.
Whenever he thinks he has broken her,she comes back.

Stronger and braver.

A weak Omega by strength but a strong willed by brain.


"Okay princess. If you don't like my generousity,I won't be offering you any."

His voice turns cold as he continues,fingers placed on her chin to make her look up at him.

"12 hours more and the lashes will be complimentary."

She will not be able to remain conscious after this,she already knows.
But her eyes refuse to lower down in submission.

She will die before she accepts defeat to a man like him.

"Bring it on Alpha"

He leaves her chin and stares at her for a minute.
And then ,leaves as the first rays of sunlight penetrate to melt the freezing snow surrounding her.

Her body continues to tremble and soon she falls into a deep slumber.


"Alpha Landon! The punishment has been served"

The guard inform the Alpha ,who stops writing for a second and acknowledges him.

"Is she conscious?"

"I am afraid not Alpha. Do you want me to wake her up ?"

"No need. Call the pack doctor and let him check on her. Once done , escort her to her quarters."

The guard nods and leaves,closing his door.
Alpha Landon sighs and looks down at the paper in his hands.

Invitation to the Alpha King and members of the werewolf council.

The Alpha King was coming to his territory with his council members. He hopes he is satisfied and gives him the approval on the latest pack acquisition deal.

If he gets it, Redmoon pack will be not only the strongest but also the largest pack in warewolf history.
It will be his biggest milestone.

Smiling to himself,he places the invitation card in the drawer and runs his hand through his hair.

He was too stressed ,he needs to let it out.
Now that the Omega was unconscious,he needs to find a replacement.

Picking up his phone,he dials the one he enjoys the most, after his Omega offcourse.

"Greetings Alpha. How are you doing?"

"Cut the crap. My room in 5 "

Ending the call,he loosens his tie and gets up from his seat.
Ready to leave for the night.

London Anderson was a true bast*** in all senses.
And no one knew of him better than the girl that has seen his worst.

The Omega who he tried his best to break.

But failed even after 7 years of his tortures and games.

Was she truly indestructible or was it just a fascade.
For even rocks break when subdued to high temperatures and pressures.

And what she had suffered was way more than it.

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