Chapter 5

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The car door is opened for him and he proceeds inside while I struggle to open my side of door with tied hands.

Failing ,I scoot and come out from his side instead. Breathing heavily to find him near the entrance already.

Shit! Why is he so fast?

Before I call him to stop,the doors open and my mouth opens in shock.
The castle was humongous, a line of fountains welcoming with small bushes perfectly trimmed.

A broad pathway, laid towards inside.And when I looked up ,I almost stumbled on my feet.

Damn! I have never seen something so beautiful.

This place was like a palace I only saw in books and he was like the Prince. But sadly I was no princess,I can never be.

Coming back to reality,I saw men surrounding him like bees. Following him ,as he barely says anything.

I increase my pace,trying to catch up with him.
But he was already near the castle.
Maids line on either side,bowing to him and I blush when I see them bowing when I approach them aswell.

I bow them in return,giving them a small smile.

My scared eyes stare at his back,hoping for him to slow down.

Unaware of the step below my feet and I stumble on it.

A small scream leaving my lips as I land on the hard pavement. My hands being tied couldn't break it and my elbows take the harsh fall.

Oh come on Thora! That was so embarrassing.

I feel ashamed of my own stupidness, as I look up to see he has stopped. And has turned around to look at me.

I gulp as he just stares,and the men following him take notice of me aswell.

Getting so much attention made me veil my face behind my hair as I breathe heavily. Trying to calm myself.

He doesn't come to pick me up.
Just stares at me struggling to get up and fall again.

The maids hurried to pick me up and I thanked them. My cheeks burning in shame as everyone stared.

"Are you fine Miss?"

They ask and I just nod. When I look up to meet his stormy grey eyes.
He says something to the man next to him,while staring at me.

The man nods and stays ,while with one last look. He turns around and leaves.

"Miss you are hurt. Come,I will take you to the infirmary."

One of the girl says with a polite smile and I stare at the wound on my elbow. Blood was dripping and I could see my healing powers were weakening.

I was no better than a human. Why was I so weak?

The man Volkan just ordered approaches us and thankfully removes the rope from my wrist.

I thank him while he just asks me to follow him.


It's been 2 days and I haven't seen him even once.
I was taken to the maids quarters after that day and one of the head maids Rain, explained me the tasks I have to do everyday.

I was cooking the pack dinner when the other maids were discussing about him.I couldn't help listen to their conversation.

"Did you hear what the council announced yesterday?"

"No? What's it?"

"The Annual ball for choosing the Queen is to be held next week."

"That's every years story Nat. Like every year the King will again reject the proposition. He is still searching for his destined one.'

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