chapter 2

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Landon sat on his seat,waiting for the Alpha kings arrival.
His eyes landing on Thora,who stood beside him in his chosen dress.

A small maid dress ,with it's hem barely covering her ass. The blouse tight,highlighting her thin yet perfect figure.

"You are to serve them the drinks and food. No mistakes will be tolerated. Am I clear?"

She nods ,not in the mood to fight with him after the punishment last night.
The whip marks still fresh on her back.

"Good. Now come here."

He says with a smirk and she already knew what this was about.
Grabbing her from her waist,he makes her land on his lap.

Before she could react,he has crashed his lips on her.
Thrashing was no use,she was used to his behaviour till now.
Laying still ,she allows him to kiss her.

But then all of sudden,her weak wolf thrashed in her mind and she started pushing him back.
This was not right,she doesn't feel right.

Landon leaves and smirks looking at the entrance and that's when she felt her senses freeze all of a sudden.

No! This can't be.

Pinewood and rain fragrance hits her in full force and she clenched her fists.

"Greetings Alpha King!"

Landon spoke.
And that was it,her whole world collapsed right there.
The mate she thought would protect her ,has seen her kissing another man the very first time they met.

And what did he say? Alpha King? No he can't be....a powerful man like him... must be one of the other men in his council.

She didn't dared to look back. Her mind frozen.
His aura surrounding him in deadly waves,making her wish this ground to open and swallow her down.

The Alpha King didn't speak. His silence making her more easy.

Landon stares at her confused and then whispers in her ear, making her body to tremble.

"Turn around and greet the Alpha princess. He doesn't take disrespect lightly."

But she couldn't.
She can't see those eyes staring at her in hate.
She can't let her only hope of escaping this hell die.

Before she couldn't say another word,Landon's arm coiled around her waist and he turned her around.


He orders and she does,keeping her eyes to the floor.
She could feel a burning gaze on her and she knew then.

He would hate her .

"I have been waiting for you Sir. Please take a seat."

The Alpha didn't move , making her shift her weight from one leg to another.

Should I look up at him? Who is he? That's burning and suffocating...I have to look up...but I am an Omega...will it be considered disrespect.

She was debating in her mind when she felt a rough grip on her arm.
She flinched as Landon whispered in her ear.

"Get the drinks. Don't stand like a fool here."

And that's all she needed, without looking back at those burning eyes. She scurried down the hall, arranging for the starters.
Her heart beating heavily in her chest as she leans her head on the wall and tries to calm herself.


Volkan's pov

My eyes were fixed on the back of my mate. Which was bare in that filthy maid dress.

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