Chapter 6

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She stares at the kids playing.

Her dirty sneakers covered in mud , a loose sweat shirt and worn out jeans covering her, as she tries stopping the tears falling down her eyes.

Nose red and eyes puffy , but no one cared.
The screams of children around, making her feel like she was surrounded.

When in reality she knew she was alone.


Using her loose sweatshirt to clear her tears, she folds her arms on her knees and lowers her head on it.

She doesn't remember how long she stayed like that when she feels a tap on her shoulder and she looks up.

" lonely?"

A small girl with big blue eyes looks at her in worry, making a small smile to leave her lips.

"No dear. You all are with me.... aren't you?"

I ask and she moves her head in a no, sitting beside her.

"No. They all are bad! They are not my friends."

The girl says and Thora couldn't help stare at her. The little girl was beautiful. But she looked so sad, just like her.


"They say I can't play with them! My uncle doesn't let me play with them! He will scold me!"

Thora doesn't quite understand what her situation was like? Why will someone stop a child from playing?

"The doctor's...they say I am sick! If I get hurt...I don't heal."

"You are a human?"

Thora asked trying to guess what it was,when the girl moves her head in a no.

"No...I am werewolf but I am sick.... moongoddess hates she made me sick."

She plays with the hem of her dress and Thora couldn't help it. Tapping her lap,she urges the girl to sit there.

The girl obliges. Sitting in her lap to look up at her with her big blue eyes.

"What's you name sweetheart?"


Thora smiles. Patting her head , loving her silken locks.

"Moon goddess doesn't hate you Elora. Instead you are her favourite."

The girl moves her head in no, looking down.

"No are lying. She hates me."

"She made you special ..she made you fighter...she believed you will win so she gave you her best fights."

This got the little girls curiosity.

"Why? She wanted me to fight?"

"Yes. You know Elora who are the strongest in this world?"

"Who rise despite facing all the fights. Who don't let a little sickness to get in their way."

"Moon goddess is very busy...she can't fight all battles she decided to give one of her battles to one of her strongest children."

"She choose it for someone very special."

"For a girl she believed in."

And that's when the little girls eyes widen.

" Is that girl......Me?"

Thora nods making a bright smile to come on the girls lips.
She looks at her hands...

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