XVI- Bright future?

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Theo's POV

Umbridge had been named High Inquisitor earlier and she apparently inspected people's classes. When hearing about this, Blaise, Pansy and I groaned loudly, of course we were away from Malfoy and other Slytherins who apparently liked her.

"This can't be true," Pansy whined.

"You think Anna, Lu and Nev know about it?" Blaise asked and I had to hid my smirk. He did like them and it was adorable.

"No idea. We should go tell them," Pansy declared and got up.

"What if they already know though?"

"Then we'll be able to complain with them," she simply said and started walking out.

Blaise and I glanced at each other before following her. We were searching for them when we bumped into them.


"Did you hear about the bitch?!" Anna exclaimed. "Fucking "High Inquisitor"!"

"Yes, it's such bullshit! This is definitely the ministry's doing," Pansy added.

"She's awful and now she's going to have even more power," Neville said, his shoulders slumped. Blaise put a quick hand on his shoulder, giving him a half-smile.

"Let's hope she doesn't find students doing things she deemed illegal," Luna said, sending Neville a worried look.

"Apparently she now has the power to fire teachers," I said.

"Who do you think she'll fire?" Anna asked, leaning against the wall.

"I have doubts she'll like Hagrid's classes much," Luna said.

"My brother will be pissed if she fires him."

"He's going to complain about it all night long with Ron," Neville whined.

"It's that bad?" Blaise asked him.

"They act like they're the only ones in the dorm! It can get so annoying."

"At least they won't have to worry about Minnie. No one can fire her," Anna said.

"Miss Potter!" 

"Professor McGonagall!" Anna answered, her eyes wide as she pushed herself of the wall.

"Come with me to my office."

Anna looked at us, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes wide.

"I- euh, I'll met you guys back at the kitchen," she said before following Professor McGonagall.

We sent worried glances to each other before walking to the kitchen, getting ready for a long wait.

Anna's POV

I followed Minnie, my heart beating fast and my palms sweating. I didn't think I had done anything wrong, damn it did I? I hadn't been in any fight since the start of school, I hadn't even scared the first years or people I didn't like. The only thing that could get me in trouble was the prank I had done with the Twins, but even that had happened a while ago.

She opened the door and I saw two other adults sitting. My breath quickened. They weren't going to take me away were they? Did Sirius or Remus get in trouble? No. Harry would be here as well if they were.

"Please take a sit," McGonagall instructed as she pointed to the seat in front of her. Her eyes were shining and she was smiling slightly.

"Hello Miss Potter," one of men said, shaking my hand. "I'm Angus Campbell."

Can it be?  | Pansy ParkinsonWhere stories live. Discover now